
12 result(s)
Publication - Reports |

EIP-AGRI Focus Group Benchmarking: Starting paper

Starting paper to the EIP-AGRI Focus Group 'Benchmarking of farm productivity and sustainability performance'

  • Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI
EIP-AGRI Focus Group Benchmarking: Starting paper
Publication - Reports |

EIP-AGRI Focus Group Non-chemical weed management: Final report

EU agriculture has become increasingly dependent on the use of herbicides and of pesticides in general, which has…

  • Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI
EIP-AGRI Focus Group Non-chemical weed management: Final report: English version
Publication - Reports |

EIP-AGRI Focus Group Non-chemical weed management: Starting paper

Starting paper to the EIP-AGRI Focus Group 'Non-chemical weed management in arable cropping systems'

  • Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI
EIP-AGRI Focus Group Non-chemical weed management: Starting paper
Publication - Reports |

EIP-AGRI Workshop on Tools for environmental farm performance: Final report

The EIP-AGRI Workshop 'Tools for environmental farm performance', held in Zagreb, Croatia on 7-8 February 2017,…

  • Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI
EIP-AGRI Workshop on Tools for environmental farm performance: Final report: English version
Publication - Factsheets |

EIP-AGRI Factsheet on Benchmarking

All the information from the Focus Group on 'Benchmarking Farm productivity and Sustainability performance' at a glance…

  • Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI
EIP-AGRI Factsheet Benchmarking farm performance: English version
Publication - Reports |

EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Benchmarking: Final report

Benchmarking can support farmers to improve their productivity and sustainability performance. At its simplest,…

  • Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI
EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Benchmarking: Final report (English version)
Publication - Reports |

Minutes of the 2nd Meeting of the High Level Steering Board of the European Innovation Partnership “Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability”

Minutes of the 2nd Meeting of the High Level Steering Board of the European Innovation Partnership “Agricultural…

  • Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI
Publication - Reports |

Minutes of the 1st meeting of the High Level Steering Board for the agricultural EIP

Minutes of the 1st meeting of the High Level Steering Board for the agricultural EIP

  • Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI
Publication - Reports |

Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation Partnership "Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability"

The European Innovation Partnership (EIP) 'Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability' aims to foster a competitive…

  • Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI
Publication - Reports |

Strategic implementation plan

The European Innovation Partnership (EIP) 'Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability' aims to foster a competitive…

  • Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI