
2 result(s)
Publication - Rapports |

Focus Group du PEI-AGRI « Nuisibles et maladies de l'olivier »

Plus de 750 millions d'oliviers sont cultivés dans le monde, dont 95 % dans la région méditerranéenne.

  • Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI
EIP-AGRI Focus Group Pests and diseases of the olive tree: Final report
Publication - Rapports |

EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Pests and diseases of the olive tree: Starting paper

Starting paper for the EIP-AGRI Focus Group 'Pests and diseases of the olive tree'.

  • Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI
EIP-AGRI Focus Group Pests and diseases of the olive tree: Starting paper: English version