
17 result(s)
Good Practice - Project | 08 sept 2022

Mobiililuotsi - Mobile Guide for refugees and other new rural residents

An app to favour social integration and use of services by newcomers.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 31 Mar 2021

Natuurlijk heel leuk! - Naturally much fun!

A project that aims to connect people with their local environment, food production and with each other.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 30 Mar 2021

Comedor del Arte

Comedor del Arte is an open meeting space that promotes a society built on empathy and solidarity through the arts and creativity.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 03 oct 2019

Fagersta Södra – supporting immigrants integration

A sports club used RDP support to renovate its facilities and offer a space that contributes to the integration of immigrants in the local society.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 14 fév 2019

Ny på landet – Rural newcomers

A project that supports the integration of young immigrants into Swedish society and is organised by young immigrants themselves.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 10 jan 2018

Immigrant integration in rural areas

Establishing a network of local integration actors between partner regions and offering them an opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 12 oct 2017

Moselle Diversity and World City Miselerland – promoting social inclusion

As part of the greater LEADER project ‘Moselle Diversity’ the sub-project ‘World City’ supported the organisation of summer activities for children aged between 7 and 12, including children of refugees, and fostered cultural diversity and the values of ‘living together’.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 13 juil 2017

Culture as a Lever for Sustainable Development – an artistic response to the migrant crisis

An inter-territorial cooperation project between 11 LEADER Local Action Groups in Greece used culture as a tool to raise understanding of the unfolding migrant crisis.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 05 avr 2017

The Potato backyard, entrepreneurial training for immigrants

A small successful food market initiative in Sweden used EAFRD funding to help migrants develop their skills, find employment and set up their own business.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 09 jan 2017

Exchanging good practices on integrating immigrants in rural areas across the EU

A Finnish NGO used EAFRD funding in a transnational project to exchange and develop best practices for integrating immigrants and refugees in rural areas.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC