General information
RDP Priority
- P6. Social inclusion and local development
RDP Focus Area
- 6B: Local development
RDP Measure
World city supported the organisation of summer activities for children aged between 7 and 12 living in the LEADER area of Miselerland, including the children of refugees residing in the city. The thematic focus was geared towards cultural diversity, fostering shared attitudes and values conducive to ‘living together’.
The sub-project was embedded in a wider social inclusion strategy entitled ‘Moselle Diversity’ implemented at municipality level within a Local Inclusion Plan. The idea to World City was elaborated by the coordinator of ‘Moselle Diversity’. Naturally, the coordinator of the LEADER project ‘Moselle Diversity’ tackles energetically in organizing ‘World City’ activities. Otherwise ‘World City‘ is financed outside of LEADER with other national and local funds.
Rather World City was carried out in the recreational centres of the Miselerland area in partnership with the Immigration Office (OLAI), the Union of local authorities (SYVICOL) and the Ministry of family affairs and social inclusion.
About 300 children from the different municipalities of the region participated every day to World City activities, with an average of 10% of refugees’ children.
Around 70 caregivers, social education workers, animators or students and up to 20 volunteers were involved to ensure the successful flow of the events.
There was unanimous agreement on the success of World city and the 2018 edition is confirmed.

Moselle Diversity - LAG Miselerland & World City - Maison relais Schengen
Total budget 40 000 (EUR)
EAFRD 4 800 (EUR)
National/regional 3 200 (EUR)
Other 32 000 (EUR)
(PDF – 447.75 Ko)