Farming practice

61 result(s)
Publication - Reports |

EIP-AGRI Focus Group on IPM Brassica: Final Report

This final report is the result of the EIP-AGRI Focus Group on IPM (Integrated Pest Management) in Brassica which was…

Publication - Factsheets |

EIP-AGRI Factsheet Precision Farming

All the information from the EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Precision Farming at a glance.
Translation courtesy of Réseau…

Publication - Reports |

EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Precision Farming: Final report

The EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Precision Farming has now presented its recommendations for future research topics, ideas…

Publication - Factsheets |

EIP-AGRI Factsheet Soil Organic Matter

All the information from the Soil Organic Matter Focus Group at a glance.
Translation courtesy of Réseau Rural…

Publication - Factsheets |

EIP-AGRI Factsheet Soil-borne Diseases

All the information from the Soil-borne Diseases Focus Group at a glance.
Translations courtesy of the Institute for…

Publication - Reports |

EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Soil-borne diseases: Final report

The EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices for soil-borne diseases has now presented its…

Publication - Brochures |

EIP-AGRI Brochure on Funding opportunities under Horizon 2020 - Calls 2016

Horizon 2020 is the largest source of public funding for Research and Innovation from the European Commission. It has a…

Publication - Factsheets |

EIP-AGRI Factsheet Organic Farming

All the information from the Organic Farming Focus Group at a glance. French translation courtesy of Réseau Rural…

Publication - Magazines |

Agrinnovation magazine - Issue n° 2 - September 2015

In this second edition of ‘Agrinnovation’ magazine, DG AGRI’s yearly magazine on the EIP-AGRI network, you can read…

Publication - Reports |

EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Optimising profitability of crop production through EFAs: Starting Paper

The starting paper has been developed to facilitate the work of the Focus Group on optimising profitability of crop…