
154 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Brickz - Natural Soil Improver

Using biomass residues to produce a fertiliser, which is then used to grow trees, and will, over time, improve soil quality, has led to significant financial savings for nature conservation organisations and tree nurseries.  

Good Practice - Project

Aardbeitrayveld - Elevated trays for strawberries

Elevated growing trays and the automation of some management tasks has enabled strawberry production to be less reliant on external inputs and to re-use irrigation water.  

Good Practice - Project

Pecivarne Liptovsky Hradok Ltd. – Confectionary manufacturer invests in modern production equipment

A Slovakian company with a long history of manufacturing confectionery products benefited from Rural Development Programme support to modernise its equipment and production processes.  

Good Practice - Project

Latvian organic cattle farm invests in eco-friendly machinery

A family farm specialising in high quality beef cattle breeding used Rural Development Programme support to acquire new, cost-saving and more environmentally-friendly machinery.  

Good Practice - Project

Modernization of a rice growing farm in Portugal

Modernisation of a rice farm in Portugal through the application of precision farming in its irrigation infrastructure.  

Good Practice - Project

Increasing the productivity on Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) olive oil

Reconstruction plan for Protected Designation of Origin olive oil producers supported by Rural Development Programme (RDP) funding   

Good Practice - Project

Koronya Horticulture – developing a start-up business in horticulture

A female entrepreneur used Rural Development Programme (RDP) support for young farmers to grow her business of producing herbs and container ornamental plants.

Good Practice - Project

Anu and Esa Immonen’s dairy farm in Savo region

Natural constraint payments play a key role in supporting farms to sustain their profitability and develop in areas that would otherwise be abandoned. 

Good Practice - Project

Animal welfare by the Ollikkala pig farm

A pig farm used Rural Development Programme (RDP) funding to improve the animals’ living conditions and the branding of their products.

Good Practice - Project

Improved hygienic and veterinary standards of slaughtering

Investing in facilities that respect animal welfare enabled a meat processing company to improve its profitability while responding to society’s ethical concerns.