
154 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

INNOVAPANE – Innovative practices to produce Tuscan bread with natural yeast

An integrated project in Italy supported farmers to add value to the local production of wheat and wheat flour, and thus become more competitive.

Good Practice - Project

ALTIBIOTIQUE – campaign to decrease the use of antibiotics on animal livestock

A project offering  training modules targeting bovine breeders to promote alternative methods to maintain healthy livestock and decrease the use of antibiotics

Good Practice - Project

Setting up an organic apple orchard for direct selling

An old abandoned farm through three separate investments was turned into an orchard with hail protection nets and a building to store the produce and equipment.

Good Practice - Project

Aviputna S.R.L. – modernisation of a poultry farm in Romania

A poultry farm used RDP support to modernise its facilities and produce high quality free range eggs.

Good Practice - Project

Upscaling a confectionary and patisserie workshop in rural Romania

Financed by the Romanian rural development programme, a small patisserie and confectionary workshop upscaled its business by constructing a new building to increase its production capacity and offer utility areas to customers.

Good Practice - Project

Setting up an ultra-modern greenhouse that uses renewable energy for heating

Setting up a state-of-the-art greenhouse for hydroponic production of tomatoes using renewable energy sources for heating.

Good Practice - Project

‘Darzini-2’ – modernisation of a farm specialised in floriculture

A farm producing flowers used RDP support to purchase new equipment and a tractor, thus achieving its goal to enhance and diversify its production.

Good Practice - Project

Production of fresh cut herbs in Portugal for the export markets

A company used RDP support to install 9 ha of infrastructure for the production of fresh herbs, aiming to take advantage of the increasing demand for high-quality fresh produce in the European markets.

Good Practice - Project

Oyster mushrooms production using processed wheat straw

Given that compost for growing oyster mushrooms was not produced in Romania and had to be imported, a group of farmers used EAFRD to build a plant for producing  compost using their own wheat straw.

Good Practice - Project

Environment and Economics

Investments in renewable energy helped a pig farm to maintain and increase its competitiveness.