Animal husbandry

93 result(s)
Good Practice - Project | 26 juil 2016

Complex development of a Mangalica farm

A young farmer realised her dream to set up a farm for breeding the Hungarian swine Mangalica using support from various RDP measures.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
  • Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI
Good Practice - Project | 25 juil 2016

Studying and promoting biogas production in the territory of the LAG ‘Pays des Condruses’

In an area where cattle breeding is predominent, LEADER funding helped explore the potentials of producing biogas from manure produced in the farms.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 25 juil 2016

Setting up a mobile Slaughterhouse for Common Use in Latvia

A group of farmers in Latvia used EAFRD support to set up a mobile slaughterhouse for common use. The investment enabled farmers to respond to the increasing demand for certified slaughterhouse services at a competitive price.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
  • Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI