Good Practice - Project

Training on small scale water retention

Training on small-scale water retention was provided to the staff of relevant regional authorities in order to confront the impact of climate change at regional level.

General information

RDP Priority
  • P4. Ecosystems management
RDP Focus Area
  • 4B: Water management
RDP Measure
  • M20: Technical assistance


As a result of climate change, the number of droughts in Poland has been increasing. This has a significant impact on agriculture and it has increased the interest of farmers and relevant institutions in finding ways to improve management of water resources.

This project worked with local people to carry out a diagnosis of the current problems and issues that have an impact on the local community. On that basis, they organised training sessions for improving knowledge on water management and specifically on small-scale water retention. It aimed to contribute to the protection of nature and rural landscapes, the productivity of rural areas, and the fight against drought and flooding.



In total, 150 people participated in three days of training: 50 participants per training day.

The courses raised participants’ awareness of the importance of improved water-resources management and small-scale water retention in particular, promoting a shift away from practices that cause over-drying and degradation of soils.

They provided participants with the practical know-how to implement new methodologies for small-scale water retention.

The training was evaluated as very successful by participants.

In the long term, the project expects to help improve water management in rural areas of the Łódź region.



Regional Agricultural Advisory Centre in Łódź region


Total budget 7 150 (EUR)
RDP contr. 4 550 (EUR)
Private 2 600 (EUR)



English language


(PDF – 218.2 Ko)