General information
RDP Priority
- P5. Resource efficiency and climate
RDP Focus Area
- 5A: Water use efficiency
RDP Measure
- M04: Investments in physical assets
In order to reduce high energy costs, the irrigation cooperative Nuestra Señora de la Carrodilla de Estadilla - based on the results of an energy audit undertaken in 2013 - carried out two investments using RDP support. These were the expansion of a reservoir in order to have more water available for irrigation during the periods when electricity tariffs are lower (night hours and weekends), and the installation of a photovoltaic solar farm to produce cheap energy for the reservoir’s water pump.
Energy savings will be up to 40% of the current electricity bill.
There are environmental benefits due to the use of solar energy, which means a reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. It is foreseen that the solar energy will represent around 30% of the total energy used by the irrigation cooperative (around 193 Mwh/year).
Access to alternative energy sources will mean less vulnerability to fluctuations in energy prices.
It is expected that the economic performance of the cooperative will be improved due to their reduced electricity costs.

Irrigation user cooperative de Estadilla
Total budget 529 902.21 (EUR)
EAFRD 127 729.58 (EUR)
National/Region. 113 269.63 (EUR)
Private 288 903.00 (EUR)
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