Good Practice - Project

Optimising the development potential of Producer Organisations for Spain’s fruit and vegetable sector

Catalan Producer Organisation promotes collective climate action.


A Fruit and Vegetable Producer Organisation in Spain used CAP funds to help improve its members’ environmental performance. Energy and waste actions were the foci of this initiative in Catalonia by the Fruit and Vegetable Producer Organisation ‘Fruits de Ponent’. It was supported via a Pilar 1 operational program which helped to strengthen food security, business competitiveness, resource efficiency, and social impacts.


  • CO2 emissions reduced by 37% compared to 2019.
  • Electricity consumption reduced from 0.2254 Gj/t to 0.2088 Gj/t per tonne of production.
  • Water consumption reduced from 0.608 (2019) to 0.585 (2020) per cubic metre of floor area.
  • 100% of waste recycling target achieved.



English language

Good Practice Report - Optimising the development potential of Producer Organisations for Spain’s fruit and vegetable sector

(PDF – 524.11 Ko)