General information
RDP Priority
- P4. Ecosystems management
RDP Focus Area
- 4B: Water management
RDP Measure
- M08: Investments in forest areas
The area of intervention is located in the protected area of natural water accumulation Brdy, which is also a Protected Landscape Area. On the site the precipitation water is naturally accumulated which causes floods. Thus action was needed to protect the surrounding settlements. At the same time, it was necessary to retain and control the water in the landscape in order to preserve biodiversity.
The project consisted in the construction of a couple of small water basins with an earth-fill dam and functional objects such as bottom outlets and emergency spillways. The capacity of the lower basin at the normal level is 5 675 m3 and the upper basin of 12 240 m3. The building plots are accessible by local roads and paved paths.
Overall, the function of the two small basins is irreplaceable in the Brdy landscape.
The two basins enhance the retention and accumulation of water and thus have reduced the risk of floods.
The basins have reduced high water occurrences and have formed a new landscape feature that has a positive contribution in biodiversity. They provide a living space for many groups and species of animals - mammals, birds, amphibians, fish, reptiles, molluscs, insects and plants.
The construction also increased public awareness about the Brdy area, thus it increased the interest of the public for the area as a touristic destination with an emphasis on the environment.

Vojenské lesy a statky ČR s.p.
Total budget 4 026 831.44 (CZK)
EAFRD 1 518 325.00 (CZK)
National/Reg. 1 548 999.00 (CZK)
Private 959 507.44 (CZK)
(PDF – 350.92 Ko)