General information
RDP Priority
- P6. Social inclusion and local development
RDP Focus Area
- 6B: Local development
RDP Measure
The project developed a digital tool for beekeepers to enable them to keep efficient records of bee colonies, organise reminders and to plan management tasks. The improved management resulting from record keeping and planning will help ensure the enhanced well-being of bee colonies. The digital tool also assists inventory management and enables knowledge sharing between beekeepers.
The small-scale innovative technology has been developed through a practical and user-centred approach. The project involved multiple stakeholders and the resulting tool stimulates digital collaboration between beekeepers and is readily scalable.
Currently more than 500 beekeepers are using the BeeKing app ( and are able to plan and track bee-colony health, queen bee status, sufficiency of food, harvest, varroa mite treatment, and many other important aspects of beekeeping management.
For organic beekeepers in particular it is a valuable support tool, because within the organic certification process, they have to be able to demonstrate apiary record keeping. BeeKing allows users to present a transparent review of apiary management during the season. Beekeepers can easily compare results across seasons and select the best colonies for future breeding, for example.
To promote the well-being of bees, a free Starter Plan for beekeepers with up to five colonies is available. It also allows beekeepers of all sizes to try digital beekeeping on a small scale, without any time limitations, before investing in the app.

SIA ‘BeeTech Services’
Total budget 20 700 (EUR)
RDP contr. 14 490 (EUR)
Private 6 210 (EUR)
(PDF – 404.45 Ko)