Handbook of Territorial and Local Development Strategies launch
The Joint Research Centre (JRC) host this event to launch the Handbook of Territorial and Local Development Strategies. JRC, DG REGIO and co-authors will present the Handbook and will reflect on the main features and challenges of an integrated approach to territorial development.
- English
- Belgium
- Online

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) host this event to launch the Handbook of Territorial and Local Development Strategies. JRC, DG REGIO and co-authors will present the Handbook and will reflect on the main features and challenges of an integrated approach to territorial development. After this, local and managing authorities will share inspiring examples of strategies across Europe.
The event will be web streamed and it is designed in particular to target Local Authorities and national and regional Managing Authorities of European Structural and Investment Funds under Cohesion Policy that are designing or revising territorial and local development strategies by means of territorial tools (ITI, CLLD, other tool).
More information here: https://knowledge4policy.ec.europa.eu/event/handbook-territorial-local-development-strategies-launch_en
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Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
EU Institutions