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Showing the Added Value of LEADER/CLLD Through Evaluation

This report summarises the majour outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop, 'Showing the added value of LEADER/CLLD…

  • 2014-2022
  • Socio-economic impacts

This report summarises the majour outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop, 'Showing the added value of LEADER/CLLD through evaluation', which was co-hosted by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development and the Finnish Rural Network (NRN) and Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. 

The workshop aimed at shaping a common understanding and definition of added value and its links with the LEADER/CLLD delivery mechanism and method, exchanging experiences among Member States, and discussing challenges and recommendations on possible evaluation approaches on how to show the added value of LEADER/CLLD.

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The European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development



English language


(PDF – 1.44 Mo – 14 pages)

English language


(PDF – 605.13 Ko)