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Report - EU CAP Network cross-visit ‘Circular and organic soil management’

This report shares successful practices, opportunities and tools identified during the EU CAP Network ‘Circular and organic soil management’ cross-visit.

farmer's hands holding soil

This report presents the outcomes of the multiple cross-visit between EIP-AGRI Operational Group projects (OGs) working in the field of circular and organic soil management, which took place on 28 – 29 June 2023 in Basilicata, Italy. The following sections present the participants and projects who took part in this networking activity, the programme of the cross-visit, and the main highlights, as well as the participants’ feedback and evaluation of the cross-visit.

The main highlights of the cross-visit were predominantly referred to during the morning of Day 2, through discussions and interactive sessions.

When asked about the aspects of the cross-visit that were most valuable to them, participants were in unanimous agreement that the demonstrations and presentations during the field visits provided the most useful insights into techniques for improving soil fertility, which in turn could be applied within the scope of their own OGs.

A major point of inspiration highlighted through the field visits was the means by which projects could be continued past the end of the OG project period. The cross-visit experience also provided a useful insight into the importance of collaborating with other OGs and how it may pave the way for better understanding of the different problems and solutions at hand, as well as synergising efforts in tackling the problems and in developing solutions. Additionally, facilitating cooperation between OGs reduces the risk of overlap in the work undertaken by distinct OGs. Participants agreed that hosting face-to-face (physical) meetings was very inspiring, and a most efficient means of exchanging information.

Following the identification of take-home messages, participants were invited to complete an exercise in which they identified their own challenges and solutions. There were many such challenges and solutions in common, as shown in the table below, and each participant was able to find a solution for a problem that was already identified, or to find a problem that could be solved with a solution already developed.



English language

Report - EU CAP Network cross-visit ‘Circular and organic soil management’

(PDF – 4.51 MB – 8 pages)