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Factsheet - EU CAP Network Focus Group ‘Competitive and resilient mountain areas'

Find out all information from the EU CAP Network Focus Group ‘Competitive and resilient mountain areas' at a glance.

  • 2023-2027
Picture of a mountain area

Which innovative approaches and innovations linked to agriculture, forestry and bio-economy can foster the competitiveness and the socio-economic and environmental resilience of mountain areas and their communities?

Mountain communities face significant environmental, societal, economic, and migratory challenges, which render them ecologically and socially vulnerable and fragile. A Focus Group of 20 experts has looked for innovative ways for mountain areas to remain competitive and resilient in the long term.

The key findings from the Focus Group on ‘Competitive and resilient mountain areas’ are:

  • The most promising opportunities on mountain areas are: the growing markets for specialised local niche products, the high quality of the mountain products, local breeds, sustainable tourism, a quiet and remote environment, green care and social farming activities, the existence of beautiful landscapes, unique biodiversity and a range of further common goods as well as living traditions and historic buildings.
  • Agriculture, forestry and the bio-economy in mountain areas operate in a complex and dynamic human-nature system, and long-term and transformative solutions are needed to increase resilience at the regional level.
  • Social innovation can play a key role in this transformation, alongside the innovation in products, processes and marketing.
  • The success of innovation in rural (mountain) areas is challenged by the lack of scale in terms of population and industrial base, and the distance from economic partners and centres of consumption, which makes the diffusion of innovation and knowledge more difficult.

Finally, the drivers for innovators and the public policies to guide innovation are, not yet, fully understood. In order to unlock this knowledge, the members of the Focus Group have identified several factors that are responsible for the successful implementation of innovations in mountain areas, in terms of organisation, strategic planning and management, as well as access to infrastructure, funding and other resources


EU CAP Network



English language

Factsheet - EU CAP Network Focus Group ‘Competitive and resilient mountain areas'

(PDF – 880.04 Ko)