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Evaluation of LEADER/CLLD

The Guidelines: Evaluation of LEADER/CLLD is a non-binding document, which serves to complement the legal requirements…

  • 2014-2022
  • Socio-economic impacts

The Guidelines: Evaluation of LEADER/CLLD is a non-binding document, which serves to complement the legal requirements relating to LEADER/CLLD evaluations. The document clarifies the common elements related to LEADER/CLLD evaluations and gives a wider set of recommendations on how to formulate and manage LEADER/CLLD evaluations, both at the RDP and LAG levels. The Guidelines are drafted to be a practical, hands-on guide for LEADER/CLLD evaluation stakeholders. They include step-by-step recommendations on the process and available methodologies for the evaluation of LEADER/CLLD. The Guidelines are divided into four parts:

  • Part 1: introduces LEADER/CLLD as part of the rural development policy and shows its links with other CLLD instruments financed by the ESI Funds. 
  • Part 2: explains the evaluation cycle at the RDP level and describes how to assess the contributions of LEADER/CLLD towards fulfilling the EU, national and RDP objectives. 
  • Part 3: provides recommendations for LAGs on how to conduct evaluation activities at the local level, and what support the MA, NRN and other stakeholders may provide to LAGs for this purpose. 
  • Part 4: glossary. 
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The European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development



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