Publication - Magazines |

Agrinnovation magazine - Issue n° 3 - September 2016

This third edition of ‘Agrinnovation’ magazine (2016) gives you a round-up of EIP-AGRI events, news and inspirational…

EIP-AGRI Agrinnovation magazine, issue 3 (2016): Hungarian version

This third edition of ‘Agrinnovation’ magazine (2016) gives you a round-up of EIP-AGRI events, news and inspirational stories from the past year. You can read about the first Operational Groups that have started, new tools for exchanging knowledge, an update on EIP-AGRI Focus Groups, and innovative ideas from across Europe. Not only our EIP-AGRI ambassadors (p. 22) are getting involved – so can you! This issue of the yearly magazine shows you how you can get involved in the EIP-AGRI network, and how you can find inspiration and connect with other farmers, researchers, advisers and EIP-AGRI network members. Estonian translation courtesy of the Estonian National Rural Network. Hungarian translation courtesy of Földművelésügyi Minisztérium (Ministry of Agriculture of Hungary).
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Hungarian language

EIP-AGRI Agrinnovation magazine, issue 3 (2016): Hungarian version

(PDF – 3.34 Mo)

Other language

EIP-AGRI Agrinnovation magazine, issue 3 (2016)

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Estonian language

EIP-AGRI Agrinnovation magazine, issue 3 (2016): Estonian version

(PDF – 3.17 Mo)