project - Innovative project

Teagasc/ Irish Farmers Journal BETTER beef Programme
Teagasc/ Irish Farmers Journal BETTER beef Programme

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Improving the efficiency of beef production on Irish farms is a constant goal for all involved in the programme.


Improving the efficiency of beef production on Irish farms is a constant goal for all involved in the programme.


Objective is to use a Monitor farm approache where a small number of farms recieve intensive one to one advise and technical support from Teagasc advisers, researchers and other specialists to improve profitability and efficiency. A unique feature of this programme is that the Irish Farmers Journal carried a technical an finacial performace updates on these farms weekly. 16 farmers participated in phase 1.

The challenge in Phase 2 of the Teagasc/Irish Farmers Journal BETTER Farm Beef programme is to use the lessons learned over the past three years, to increase the impact on a greater number of commercial farms over the coming three years. Incresed from 16 to 36 farms. A BETTER Beef Farm has now been set up in every county. Rolling out the programme on a national basis will assist in reaching the targets for the beef industry as laid out in the Food Harvest 2020 report. Increased discussion group activity in Phase 2 will see engagement with more farmers, demonstrating how new technologies can improve beef productivity on their farms. The involvemnt of local advisers beef discussion groups in phase 2 is providing a bigger multiplier


Objective is to use a Monitor farm approache where a small number of farms recieve intensive one to one advise and technical support from Teagasc advisers, researchers and other specialists to improve profitability and efficiency. A unique feature of this programme is that the Irish Farmers Journal carried a technical an finacial performace updates on these farms weekly. 16 farmers participated in phase 1.

The challenge in Phase 2 of the Teagasc/Irish Farmers Journal BETTER Farm Beef programme is to use the lessons learned over the past three years, to increase the impact on a greater number of commercial farms over the coming three years. Incresed from 16 to 36 farms. A BETTER Beef Farm has now been set up in every county. Rolling out the programme on a national basis will assist in reaching the targets for the beef industry as laid out in the Food Harvest 2020 report. Increased discussion group activity in Phase 2 will see engagement with more farmers, demonstrating how new technologies can improve beef productivity on their farms. The involvemnt of local advisers beef discussion groups in phase 2 is providing a bigger multiplier

Project details
Main funding source
Other rural development funds
Agricultural sectors
  • Beef cattle
  • Beef cattle
  • Fodder and forage
Currently showing page content in native language where available

1 Practice Abstracts

The first phase of the Teagasc/Irish Farmers Journal BETTER Farm beef programme has made a significant contribution in pointing the way forward at commercial farm level. The results were encouraging there was a 49% increase in gross output on the farms involved which in turn gave rise to 118% lift in Gross Margin.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator