project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Improving horticultural yields with Molinia biochar and sheep manure/wool based soil amendments
Improving horticultural yields with Molinia biochar and sheep manure/wool based soil amendments

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Gellir cynhyrchu bio-olosg o amrywiaeth eang o ddeunyddiau. Fodd bynnag, ymchwiliwyd yn eang i’r defnydd o laswellt Molinia ar gyfer hyn. Mae'n tyfu'n bennaf ar bridd llaith, asid neu fawn. Yn yr hydref mae'n colli ei ddail yn llwyr. Mae hyn yn cael effaith negyddol ar amrywiaeth a chynefin rhywogaethau yn ogystal â lleihau cynhyrchiant amaethyddol y tir, lleihau mynediad i hamdden, a chynyddu'r risg o dân.

Nid oes gan wlân cynffon defaid fawr o ddefnydd na gwerth, ond pan mae'n cael ei compostio mae'n gweithredu fel ffynhonnell nitrogen sy’n cael ei ryddhau’n araf ac elfennau hybrin allweddol eraill, fel potasiwm, ffosfforws a haearn.


Biochar can be produced from a wide range of source materials. However the use of Molinia for this purpose has not been widely researched. The perennial deciduous grass species grows mostly on damp, acid or peaty soil. In the autumn it completely sheds its leaves. The build-up of this grass has a negative impact on species diversity and habitat as well as decreasing the agricultural productivity of the land, reducing access for recreation, and increasing fire risk.

Sheep’s tail wool has little use or value however, when it is composted it acts as a source of slow release nitrogen, along with other key trace elements such as potassium, phosphorus and iron.


In this two year project running from October 2020 to June 2022 four experienced farmers/horticultural growers from across mid and south Wales will be trialling two different soil amendments to establish their effects on yield and quality of several vegetable crops.

1) Molinia biochar
2) Animal bedding co-composted with sheep’s wool
3) Animal bedding compost with Molinia biochar (20% wool, 80% manure)


Yn y prosiect dwy flynedd hwn sy'n rhedeg rhwng mis Hydref 2020 a mis Mehefin 2022 bydd pedwar ffermwr/tyfwr garddwriaethol profiadol o Ganolbarth a'r De Cymru’n treialu dau wahanol fath o bridd i ddarganfod eu heffeithiau ar gynnyrch ac ansawdd nifer o gnydau llysiau.

1) Bio-olosg glaswellt Molinia
2) Deunydd gorwedd anifeiliaid wedi'i gyd-gompostio â gwlân defaid
3) Deunydd gorwedd anifeiliaid gyda bio-olosg glaswellt Molinia  (gwlân 20%, tail 80%)

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014UK06RDRP004 United Kingdom - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Wales
Main geographical location
Other geographical location
South West Wales

€ 29911

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

Biochar is produced through the process of pyrolysis that heats biomass with limited amounts of oxygen present. The resulting Biochar can be as high as 78% carbon as well as having small amounts of Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Sulphur, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium and other mineral elements.

Biochar can be produced from a wide range of source materials. However the use of Molinia for this purpose has not been widely researched. The Cambrian mountains have large areas of Molinia; a perennial deciduous grass species and mostly grows on damp, acid or peaty soil. Livestock do eat Molinia in its early growth but later in the season it becomes unpalatable for sheep, although cattle will still graze it. In the autumn it completely sheds its leaves. The build-up of this grass has a negative impact on species diversity and habitat as well as decreasing the agricultural productivity of the land, reducing access for recreation, and increasing fire risk.

Sheep’s tail wool has little use or value however, when it decomposes it acts as a source of slow release nitrogen, along with other key trace elements such as potassium, phosphorus and iron. This makes tail wool ideal for composting due to the extra nitrogen in the dirt and faeces.

In this two year project running from October 2020 to June 2022 four experienced farmers/horticultural growers from across mid and south Wales will be trialling two different soil amendments to establish their effects on yield and quality of several vegetable crops. 

Cynhyrchir bio-olosg drwy'r broses pyrolysis sy'n cynhesu biomas gyda lefelau cyfyngedig o ocsigen yn bresennol. Gall y Bio-olosg a gynhyrchir fod mor uchel â 78% o garbon yn ogystal â lefelau isel o Hydrogen, Ocsigen, Nitrogen, Sylffwr, Ffosfforws, Potasiwm, Calsiwm ac elfennau a mwynau eraill.

Gellir cynhyrchu bio-olosg o amrywiaeth eang o ddeunyddiau. Fodd bynnag, ymchwiliwyd yn eang i’r defnydd o laswellt Molinia ar gyfer hyn. Mae gan fynyddoedd Cambria ardaloedd mawr o laswellt Molinia; rhywogaeth o weiryn collddail lluosflwydd sy’n tyfu'n bennaf ar bridd llaith, asid neu fawn. Mae da byw yn bwyta glaswellt Molinia pan mae’r gweiryn yn ifanc ond yn ddiweddarach yn y tymor nid oes modd i ddefaid ei dreulio, er y bydd gwartheg yn dal i'w bori. Yn yr hydref mae'n colli ei ddail yn llwyr. Mae hyn yn cael effaith negyddol ar amrywiaeth a chynefin rhywogaethau yn ogystal â lleihau cynhyrchiant amaethyddol y tir, lleihau mynediad i hamdden, a chynyddu'r risg o dân.

Nid oes gan wlân cynffon defaid fawr o ddefnydd na gwerth, ond pan fydd yn dadelfennu, mae'n gweithredu fel ffynhonnell nitrogen sy’n cael ei ryddhau’n araf ac elfennau hybrin allweddol eraill, fel potasiwm, ffosfforws a haearn. Mae hyn yn golygu bod gwlân cynffon yn ddelfrydol ar gyfer compostio oherwydd y nitrogen ychwanegol yn y baw a'r ysgarthion.

Yn y prosiect dwy flynedd hwn sy'n rhedeg rhwng mis Hydref 2020 a mis Mehefin 2022 bydd pedwar ffermwr/tyfwr garddwriaethol profiadol o Ganolbarth a'r De Cymru’n treialu dau wahanol fath o bridd i ddarganfod eu heffeithiau ar gynnyrch ac ansawdd nifer o gnydau llysiau. 

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Project coordinator