project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

GO DIIANA: Development of a circular and sustainable value chain based on the Inclusion of Insects in Foods based on Alternative Proteins
GO DIIANA: Desarrollo de una cadena de valor circular y sostenible basada en la Integración de Insectos en Alimentos basados en Proteínas Alternativas

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- Establish the desirable characteristics and properties according to nutritional, techno-functional and organoleptic criteria of the insect-derived ingredient to be developed.
- Develop ingredients derived from TM that are highly competitive and suitable as a food ingredient by means of larvae transformation processes.
- Determine the conditions for incorporating insect protein in paste formulations suitable for various final applications, taking into account its combination with other plant-based proteins.
- Obtain and validate prototypes of innovative insect protein products.
- Identify the technical, economic and environmental feasibility of the manufacture of new products.


- Establecer las características y propiedades deseables según criterios nutricionales, tecno funcionales y organolépticos del ingrediente derivado del insecto a desarrollar.
- Desarrollar ingredientes derivados de TM altamente competitivos y aptos como ingrediente alimentario mediante procesos de transformado de la larva.
- Determinar las condiciones de incorporación de la proteína de insecto en formulaciones de masas aptas para diversas aplicaciones finales combinando con otras proteínas plant-based.
- Obtener y validar los prototipos de productos innovadores con proteína de insecto.
- Identificar la viabilidad técnica, económica y ambiental de la producción de los nuevos productos.


Activity 1 "Technological study of flours", includes the study of the characteristics of TM commercial flours and their suitability for use in the food products to be developed in the project.

Activity 2 "Study for the improvement of the techno-functional properties of flour and the obtaining of ingredientsderived from TM".

Activity 3 "Development of prototypes", focuses on obtaining prototypes of different food products that include TM flour in their formulation.

Activity 4 "Validation of prototypes", includes the validation of the prototypes obtained in activity 3 both at nutritional and sensory level.


La actividad 1 “Estudio tecnológico de harinas” incluye el estudio de las características que presentan las harinas comerciales de TM.

La actividad 2 “Estudio para la mejora de las propiedades tecno funcionales de la harina y obtención de ingredientes derivados de TM”, incluye la evaluación de diferentes metodologías de procesado de la biomasa de TM.

La actividad 3 “Desarrollo de prototipos”, se enfoca en la obtención de prototipos de diferentes productos alimenticios que incluyen la harina de TM en su formulación.

La actividad 4 “Validación de prototipos”, incluye la validación de los prototipos obtenidos en la actividad 3 tanto a nivel nutricional como a nivel sensorial.


The GO DIIANA, project entitled "Development of a circular and sustainable value chain based on the integration of insects in foods based on alternative proteins", focuses on the use of insect protein as an alternative protein source for the development of innovative products for human nutrition optimising the transformation processes of the larvae of Tenebrio molitor (TM), in order to obtain food ingredients with improved characteristics and properties that meet the requirements of the final food matrix (nutritional profile, sensory properties and functional properties). The project will establish an integrated value chain for the development of human food products based on locally produced insect protein, also seeking added value for access to export markets that value traceability, production control, sustainability and environmental viability of the new products. As a final result, the project will provide a solution that increases the protein offer and broadens consumer choice through the development of new insect protein-based foods.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location

€ 134220.17

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator

  • Sonia Puerto

    Project coordinator