News | 25 Oct 2022

Good Practice Workshop: How to assess direct payment interventions in the new CAP

The European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP will host a Good Practice Workshop in Athens, Greece, on 9-10 November, to identify good practices in assessing direct payment interventions for the new programming period.

Picture of Athene, Greece

The European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP will host a Good Practice Workshop in Athens, Greece, on 9-10 November, to identify good  practices in assessing direct payment interventions for the new programming period.  

In the last programming period, Pillar 1 direct payment interventions were generally evaluated at EU level. However, CAP Strategic Plans will now see Member States assess all these types of interventions nationally, in the context of the new performance monitoring and evaluation framework (PMEF). 

This change will require Member States to broaden their range of evaluation approaches to assess how direct payment interventions contributed to CAP objectives, including the identification of methods, indicators and data sources. The expected outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop will help Member States in the identification, planning and development of methodologies and data collection for future evaluations of direct payment interventions. 

The specific objectives are to:

  • Increase the evaluation knowledge of stakeholders involved in direct payment interventions.
  • Exchange practical experiences from past evaluations of direct payment interventions (both EU level and MS level evaluations, where they exist).
  • Provide an opportunity for networking and identification of needs for Managing Authorities and evaluators in relation to methods and data collection when evaluating direct payment interventions.

A final report will be published before the end of 2022, outlining key outcomes from the Good Practice Workshop. Sign up to CAP Evaluation News to stay updated about all the latest publications from the Evaluation Helpdesk.