Social services

24 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

‘ΑξίΖΩ’ (axiZO)

Promote access to work for disabled people in rural Greece

Good Practice - Project

Strengthening regional youth activities in Austria

An example of innovative youth work to support young people to plan and implement their own local development ideas.  

Good Practice - Project

Equipping the healthcare centre in Biertan, Sibiu County, Romania

Using support from the LEADER measure supported the provision of basic healthcare services to a deprived rural community.

Good Practice - Project

Smart Villages for Tomorrow

An interterritorial cooperation project to address the challenges of outmigration and ageing in rural areas by investing in new technology solutions. 

Good Practice - Project

Mobile social grocery 'De Kommisje'

Setting up a ‘mobile social grocery’ where users will pay a low price for products, and may also choose free products, improving accessibility, reducing iscolation and giving families a more ‘human’ experience.

Good Practice - Project

Elderly family care in the arctic north

Promoting family care services for the elderly in sparsely populated regions in Lapland and Koillismaa.

Good Practice - Project

Building an inter-generational GenoEifel eG cooperative in the Eifel LEADER region

Setting up an inter-generational cooperative, bringing generations together to help each other and share their knowledge and skills. 

Good Practice - Project

Super Senior - Luxembourg

This project involves inhabitants in the region actively contributing to better social cohesion. It connects different generations in ‘caring for the community’ and is the only intergenerational school support service in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.  

Good Practice - Project

Anton Vrbnjak Farm – Diversifying into therapeutic horse riding

Expanding the range of tourist offer in a LAG area by supporting a small farm to diversify into horseback riding and therapeutic riding.

Good Practice - Project

Home Living Safety KAT2 project in Finland

A project to help keep elderly people living at home safe and happy.