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Farming practice
EIP-AGRI Factsheet on Digital opportunities for primary production
All the information from the workshop 'Digital opportunities for primary production' at a glance. This workshop was…
- Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI

EIP-AGRI Brochure Shaping the digital (r)evolution in agriculture
Digital technologies can support European farmers in providing safe, sustainable and quality food. They can also…
- Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI

Agrinnovation magazine - Issue n° 4 - September 2017
This fourth edition of Agrinnovation magazine gives you a round-up of EIP-AGRI news, events and stories from the past…
- Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI

EIP-AGRI Workshop on Tools for environmental farm performance: Final report
The EIP-AGRI Workshop 'Tools for environmental farm performance', held in Zagreb, Croatia on 7-8 February 2017,…
- Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI

EIP-AGRI Workshop on Data Sharing: Final report
The EIP-AGRI workshop on Data Sharing in agriculture (Bratislava, April 4-5, 2017) brought together about 80…
- Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI

EIP-AGRI Factsheet on IPM for Brassica
All the information from the EIP-AGRI Focus Group on IPM for Brassica at a glance. Slovenian translation courtesy of…
- Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI

EIP-AGRI Brochure IPM for Brassica
Brassica vegetables and Brassica oilseeds are economically important for European farmers. Throughout Europe, Brassica…
- Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI

EIP-AGRI Brochure Water and Agriculture
Water is an essential resource for crop and livestock production. Climate change is causing variations in temperature…
- Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI

EIP-AGRI Seminar on Knowledge systems: Final report
A key element for fostering innovation and contributing to competitiveness and sustainability are the so-called…
- Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI

EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Forest biomass: Starting paper
Starting paper from the Focus Group on Forest biomass.
- Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI