Family farming

43 result(s)
Good Practice - Project


The project saw an unused calves’ shed converted into a farm shop selling organic products.

Good Practice - Project

Environmentally friendly development of a family farm

A family farm used support from multiple Rural Development Programme (RDP) measures to ensure the farm’s viability and diversify towards a quality focused and profit-oriented business. 

Good Practice - Project

Investing on greenhouses and setting up an irrigation system

A young female farmer invested in the construction of greenhouses and an irrigation system to improve her farm’s profitability and mitigate production risks linked to climate change. 

Good Practice - Project

Codita Sorin-Cristian - a young farmer’s individual enterprise

EAFRD support enabled a young person to start his own commercially-oriented farm, thus contributing to the generational renewal of the sector.

Good Practice - Project

Experiencing Gastronomy at Swan Hotel’s Cowshed

A new culinary concept for a restaurant which gives diners a clear view of the farm’s cattle barn helping them discover the linkages between food and farming. 

Good Practice - Project

A small Polish farm converting into organic agriculture

A small farm converted to organic vegetable production and in so doing successfully increased its competitiveness and profitability.  

Good Practice - Project

Anu and Esa Immonen’s dairy farm in Savo region

Natural constraint payments play a key role in supporting farms to sustain their profitability and develop in areas that would otherwise be abandoned. 

Good Practice - Project

Varavoimaa Farmarille II - Extra Energy for the Farmers

The project has created entirely new operating models to improve the well-being of agricultural entrepreneurs and how they can cope with difficulties.  

Good Practice - Project

Upgrading a sheep farm and opening of Farm Shop by a Maltese young farmer

A Maltese young farmer took over his father’s sheep farm in order to preserve local traditions, whilst incorporating new and innovative ideas in the production and marketing process. 

Good Practice - Project

Anton Vrbnjak Farm – Diversifying into therapeutic horse riding

Expanding the range of tourist offer in a LAG area by supporting a small farm to diversify into horseback riding and therapeutic riding.