
142 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

The Spanish Authorities response to the COVID-19 crisis

An insight into how the COVID-19 crisis has generated urgent action to adapt the CAP to this new context.

Good Practice - Project

Regadio de Precisão – Precision Irrigation

An EIP-AGRI Operational Group was set up to develop new agronomic tools that will enable farmers to use pivot irrigation more efficiently.

Good Practice - Project

The Water Holding project of Walcheren

Setting up collaborative water system measures and a governance approach to increase self-sufficiency of freshwater availability for agriculture.

Good Practice - Project

Feed Back Farm - using insects for adding value to organic waste streams

An EIP-AGRI Operational Group project on the use of insects for adding value to organic residues from agriculture. 

Good Practice - Project

Integrated Pest Control System using Aerodynamic-Spectrometric Methods

Developing an integrated identification and control system that enables the detection of pests in fields and gardens and determines the optimal time to apply protective measures.

Good Practice - Project

Improving the soil’s fertility using new generation microelements

An EIP-AGRI operational group on improving the soil’s quality and structure, using new generation microelements and microorganisms.

Good Practice - Project

North Connemara Locally Led Agri-Environmental Scheme (NCLLAES)

The North Connemara Locally Led Agri-Environmental Scheme is a local agricultural scheme to incentivise farmers to incorporate agricultural animals in improving the ecology of their land. 

Good Practice - Project

Supporting the operation of small-scale anaerobic digesters in Flanders

Setting up an EIP Operational Group that aims to enable Flemish farmers to operate small-scale anaerobic digesters more efficiently.

Good Practice - Project

PRATI_CO Parmigiano Reggiano: Agrotecnica organic carbon footprint

PRATI-CO is an EIP-AGRI Operational Group project dedicated to the study of good agricultural practices recommended for the preservation and maintenance of organic matter in the area which is famous for the production of Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese.  

Good Practice - Project

Brickz - Natural Soil Improver

Using biomass residues to produce a fertiliser, which is then used to grow trees, and will, over time, improve soil quality, has led to significant financial savings for nature conservation organisations and tree nurseries.