General information
RDP Priority
- P6. Social inclusion and local development
RDP Focus Area
- 6B: Local development
RDP Measure
- M07: Basic services & village renewal
Young people have a key role to play in shaping the future of rural areas. The aim of this project was to enable young people to influence the development and commitment of their home region and to find opportunities for work, entrepreneurship, and accommodation.
The project organised brainstorming workshops and meetings for young people where they thought of ideas to improve their living conditions and discussed issues that are important to them - while reflecting on how to involve other young people in local development. The project also organised events such as virtual reality workshops and produced YouTube videos.
A total of 1 174 young people under the age of 29 participated in the Future Makers project.
Through the ‘FutureSession’ workshop, teams of young people focussed on three major themes that concern them: climate change, transnational cooperation, and entrepreneurship.
17 videos were produced by the participants and made available on the YouTube channel ‘Future Authors’. The videos had a collective total of 43 790 views by the end of the project.
The project created the Business Academy network to promote youth entrepreneurship in Northern Central Finland.

LEADER Viisari ry
Total budget 160 000
EAFRD 67 200
National/Regional 92 800
(PDF – 306.83 Ko)