Two Local Action Groups in the Northern Great Plain in Hungary decided to cooperate in order to promote the use of solar energy in the local communities and take advantage of the large number of sunny hours per year in the region. Other project partners included a social cooperative and an environmental foundation promoting environmental friendly energy solutions.
Several solar panel systems were installed in communal buildings along with equipment which would allow to continuously monitor their performance. Mobile solar systems were also manufactured for testing and demonstrating the benefits of solar energy use. All of the systems serve as demonstration sites for citizens and local businesses. An extensive communication campaign through events, media and publications was organised to inform the local communities.
Two technicians were hired and received training to provide free consultation services on solar energy projects the covered area for up to 2 years.
The solar panel systems installed helped reduce energy costs and indirectly save several local jobs, or made it possible to rent out public offices and rooms to NGOs under more favourable conditions.
The installed systems on Szajol’s community house and Kétpó’s municipal building can supply a whole year’s electricity consumption of these buildings.

LAG (KTZVE) - Lead Partner
Total budget 126 303 (EUR)
EAFRD 99 418 (EUR)
National/Regional 24 854 (EUR)
Private 2 031 (EUR)
(PDF – 591.3 Ko)