Good Practice - Project

Operational Group for the digitalisation of the PGI Ternera Gallega value chain

Digitalised agri-food value chain data tools strengthen the competitiveness of Spanish cattle meat firms.
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022 Spain
    - Programming period: 2014-2022 Spain

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P3. Food chain and risk management
    RDP Focus Area
    • 3A: Agri-food chain integration & quality
    RDP Measure
    • M16: Cooperation
    Beneficiary type
    • Operational group


    Cattle meat products from Galicia in Spain can take advantage of an EU Protected Geographic Indication (PGI) scheme named ‘PGI Ternera Gallega’. The DIXITEGA EIP Operational Group (OG) was established to create an online platform that would provide commercially useful data for value chain partners involved in the PGI Ternera Gallega.

    This OG project identified the needs of different partners in terms of data access and use. It also provided training to empower value chain players by building their capacity to adopt and apply digital business skills. This could help farmers and other agri-firms (slaughterhouses, rendering plants, wholesalers and retailers) support their individual businesses while reinforcing the resilience of the region’s overall food industry.

    The platform went live in August 2024 and was developed through a participatory methodology that promoted inclusive digitisation of the sector and prevented risks of it being dominated by a few operators.


    The online platform allows farmers, cooperatives, food industries, distribution chains, agricultural organisations, technology centres, research groups and public administrations to interact for free, sharing and extracting data such as price evolution, raw material costs and animal output. It compiles, homogenises and compares data from different sources and presents it in a summarised, simple and easy-to-understand manner. AI technologies make predictions on price behaviour two weeks ahead.

    In addition, the website helps:

    • Enhance the competitiveness of the PGI Ternera Gallega, which includes many small family farms.
    • Improve decision-making processes across the value chain thanks to better data.
    • Strengthen cooperation and transparency throughout the PGI Ternera Gallega value chain.
    • Accelerate adoption of new technologies in the meat sector thanks to expertise training.
    • Develop new capacities inspiring innovation and digitalisation processes in Galician agriculture.
    Logo dixitega

    Fundación Juana de Vega*

    * The Project promoter/beneficiary is an EIP-AGRI Operational Group ©


    Total budget 176 329 (EUR)

    EAFRD: 132 247 (EUR)

    National/Regional: 44 082 (EUR)




    English language

    Good practice report : Operational Group for the digitalisation of the PGI Ternera Gallega value chain

    (PDF – 3.39 Mo)


    Cattle husbandry has a long history in Galicia and traditional approaches to quality continue today using modernised methods. The competitiveness of the region’s cattle meat industry received assistance in 1989 with its designation of the Ternera Gallega PGI.

    The Official Journal of the EU states this PGI covers veal, yearlings and feeder cattle: (a) veal: light pink flesh with pearly white evenly distributed fat, firm, fine-textured, slightly damp muscle; (b) yearling: between pink and light red flesh with pearly white fat and firm, slightly damp fat; (c) feeder cattle: light red flesh with creamy fat, firm, slightly damp muscle with traces of fat but no excessive accumulations.

    Farmers and others involved with the PGI did not have a strong background in using digital business tools until the COVID-19 pandemic drew attention to their advantages. Gaps were identified in digitalised data and related skills among Ternera Gallega PGI partners. These agri-food firms include approximately 8 000 traditional producers, 450 fatteners, 20 slaughterhouses, 20 rendering plants and 60 meat wholesalers/retailers. All these stakeholders were considered target groups of an OG that was set up to help fill gaps in improving the digitalisation of the Ternera Gallega PGI.

    Opportunities existed to develop an online data toolkit allowing potential users (farmers, cooperatives, food industries, distribution chains, agricultural organisations, technology centres, research groups and public administrations) to interact and share data such as price evolution, raw material costs and animal output, and allow them to extract actionable information for designing better more efficient and sustainable production systems.


    The OG goals centred on:

    • Providing the PGI Ternera Gallega value chain partners with relevant data through an online platform to enable them to better optimise operations, improve transparency and transmit useful information to their different clients and consumers.
    • Promoting uptake of new technologies related to the use of data and improving knowledge about these technologies throughout the PGI Ternera Gallega value chain.
    • Enhancing the use of ITCs and reducing digital gaps in the adoption of existing technologies among the PGI Ternera Gallega value chain partners.


    OG actions involved sequentially:

    • Mapping of existing databases. Existing databases relevant to the PGI Ternera Gallega value chain were identified and analysed to clarify data availability and formats. A prioritised list of data sources was then created, with the approximate cost required for integration into a coherent online platform.
    • Analysis of the information needs. A participatory process was organised to understand the information needs and preferences of the different value chain partners. The methodology included discussion groups, interviews, and surveys.
    • Creating the web platform. Building on the findings of the previous stages, an online and open-access platform was developed with bilingual content (Galician and Spanish). The mobile version of the website was considered particularly important to facilitate access to it and a video user guide was provided.
    • Empowerment. Five training sessions were organised for the PGI Ternera Gallega value chain partners to encourage use of the platform. Additionally, it was demonstrated through four sessions with students in their final year of agricultural studies.
    • Dissemination and communication. A series of other promotional actions took place at regional, national and European levels to reach the target audiences via the OG partners’ media. These include professionals in the meat value chain (farmers, technicians, researchers, cooperatives, industries, distributors, etc.), meat consumers and public institutions related to agriculture at regional, national and EU levels. Supporting materials included a specific graphic identity, two multi-language brochures, a video tutorial for platform users, periodical press releases linked to the main milestones of the project and a results presentation day. Dixitega was selected to participate in the EU CAP Network conference 'EIP-AGRI Operational Groups: Innovation in practice', held in Portugal during May 2024.

    Main results

    • Main project results relate to the online platform. It provides free and open access enabling the joint management of public data sources currently relevant in the PGI Ternera Gallega value chain. This platform allows potential users (producers, cooperatives, food industries, distribution chains, agricultural organisations, technology centres, research groups and public administrations) to interact and share data related to price evolution, raw material costs, animal output (marketing), etc. It allows them to extract actionable information from the data and thus design a more efficient and sustainable production. The technical interoperability of different sources allows data exchanges that foster AI analysis.
    • The innovation of OG Dixitega derives from the simplicity of the tool itself, which compiles, homogenises and compares data from different sources and returns it to the end user in a summarised, simple and easy-to-understand manner. The use of technologies based on AI also allows the platform to make predictions on price behaviour two weeks ahead and enables agents to improve their capacities in relation to markets.

    In addition, the website helps:

    • Enhance the competitiveness of the PGI Ternera Gallega, which includes many small family farms.
    • Improve decision-making processes across the value chain thanks to better data.
    • Strengthen cooperation and transparency in the PGI Ternera Gallega value chain.
    • Accelerate adoption of new technologies in the meat sector through expertise training.
    • Develop new capacities inspiring innovation and digitalisation processes in Galician agriculture.

    Key lessons

    • The mobile version of the website was considered particularly important to facilitate access to its content and tools.
    • The co-creation methodology and the platform developed are easily extrapolated to other regions and agricultural sectors. The first step is to identify potential open data sources that could interest the target sector. Once these have been identified, it is necessary to validate the sources with the sector and determine which information is useful now and for the future. Then the processes of source homogenisation, data capture and interface design can begin. For best results it is necessary to undertake training and information actions on the platform.

    Contact Information
