General information
RDP Priority
- P2. Competitiveness
RDP Focus Area
- 2A: Farm’s performance, restructuring & modernisation
RDP Measure
- M04: Investments in physical assets
The farm cultivates over 100 ha of land, 20 ha of which are used to grow vegetables, including potatoes, carrots and beetroots. The farm stores and processes the vegetables and sells them under its own brand. As part of a move to increase the percentage of cultivated land on the farm, an investment project was launched in order to increase storage capacity and to reduce production costs.
In this context, RDP support was used to acquire a reversible plough in order to improve the way the land is prepared for cultivation. In addition to this, a cooling system was installed to create optimal conditions for storing the vegetables. Finally, the RDP support was also used to acquire a photovoltaic installation in order to produce energy for the farm and increase the cost-effectiveness of the entire production process.
The beneficiary sells 200 tons of processed products per year.
The electricity bills have been reduced, saving about 11.000 PLN per year.
This project allowed the beneficiary to increase the farm’s storage capacity by 600 square meters. The space has the capacity to store 1500 tons of vegetables and processed products, which is the farm’s entire annual production.

Henryk Sondej
Total budget 114 482 (EUR)
EAFRD 31 815 (EUR)
National/Regional 18 185 (EUR)
Private 64 482 (EUR)
(PDF – 295.45 Ko)