General information
RDP Priority
- P6. Social inclusion and local development
RDP Focus Area
- 6B: Local development
RDP Measure
- M07: Basic services & village renewal
Alsódobsza is a small village located in the Zemplén Mountains in Northern Hungary. The village has a population of 300 people. The roofs of the municipal buildings in the town were made of shingles or slate and all of them were at least 30 years old. Moreover, most buildings were covered with asbestos-cement slates, which were heavily worn over time. This was beginning to create environmental pollution and become a health hazard. The investment helped replace the asbestos slates on the village roofs. In order to make the roofs more energy-efficient solar panels were installed.
The operating costs of the buildings were significantly reduced after the renovation.
The estimated amount of energy saved by the investment is 18 643 kWh/year.
The 15 kW solar cell that was installed produces 6 280 kWh/year.
The overall energy savings amounted to 48.11% compared to the initial situation.
1 348 m2 of roof renovation and asbestos removal was completed.
The beneficiary will increase the number of employees (previously seven) by one.

Municipality of Alsódobsza
Total budget 132 941(EUR)
EAFRD 101 693 (EUR)
National/Regional 17 953 (EUR)
Private 13 295 (EUR)
(PDF – 372.49 Ko)