Good Practice - Project

Construction of a neuromotor recovery centre in Dumbrăveni Commune, Suceava County

LEADER supported multi-funded rural health services in Romania.
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022
    - Programming period: 2014-2022

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P6. Social inclusion and local development
    RDP Focus Area
    • 6B: Local development
    RDP Measure
    • M19: LEADER/CLLD
    Beneficiary type
    • Partnership


    In partnership with the local administration of the Dumbrăveni Commune, and the Free Independent Telecommunications Union ‘Bogdan Vodă’, the Local Action Group Valea Siretului de Jos combined funding from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Romanian National programme for local development to build and fully equip an "ambulatory neuromotor recovery service centre” for the area’s most vulnerable residents.


    Project achievements include:

    • Providing medical and social services for 126 people, 70 of whom are disabled.
    • Providing information and professional counselling services for 252 people.

    Dumbrăveni Local Council (Dumbraveni Town Hall), Suceava County


    Total budget: 1 514 537 (EUR)

    RDP support: 165 144 (EUR)

    Other funding sources: 146 597 (EUR) PNDL & 1 202 796 (EUR) (ESF), through the Human Capital Operational Program 2014-2020


    Previously, the residents of the Romanian commune of Dumbrăveni only had access to limited social services provided by their town hall and the county directorate for social assistance. Residents needed to travel out to the Suceava Municipality to access specialised services, but travel costs, mobility difficulties or not having a carer to accompany them made this very difficult for many people.

    With these concerns in mind, the Valea Siretului de Jos Local Action Group (LAG) collaborated with the local administration of the Dumbrăveni Commune, and the ‘Bogdan Vodă’ Free Independent Telecommunications Union. Using funding from three different sources (EAFRD, ESF and the National Local Development programme), they built and equipped an "ambulatory neuromotor recovery service centre" for the area’s more vulnerable residents.

    The EAFRD and the National Local Development programme, which provided funding through the Dumbrăveni City Hall, co-financed the construction of the building. The European Human Capital Program 2014-2020 of the ESF and the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection financed the purchase of the equipment for physiotherapy and balneotherapy, as well as the MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) equipment and the ultrasound system.


    The main aim of this ambitious project was to improve the medical and social infrastructure in the LAG’s territory by bringing a diverse network of services together under one roof to provide psychosocial and medical support for the area’s most vulnerable residents.


    The main activities of the project included:

    • Establishing a work plan between the three partners.
    • Creating and approving the technical documentation for the construction of the centre.
    • Hiring construction teams and purchasing the necessary materials.
    • Monitoring the construction works at all stages, until completion in March 2023.
    • Purchasing and installing, with professional support and in accordance with the law, the necessary medical equipment and furniture.
    • Carrying out communication activities through the local media and on social networks during the project.
    • Hiring qualified staff and ensuring the operation of all services according to the agreed programme for the centre.
    • Selecting target groups to receive the services.
    • Carrying out training for the centre’s staff.
    • Carrying out information and awareness raising campaigns in Dumbrăveni and across the LAG area.

    Main results

    The neuromotor recovery centre operates under the authority of the Dumbrăveni Local Council. It offers assistance and support for rehabilitation and social reintegration, evaluation and social counselling, emotional support and guidance and information to beneficiaries. This enables them to access and capitalise on the resources and facilities offered by the community and supports them by mediating the relationship with their family and other support persons. The centre also provides the medical support for recovery through physiotherapy (laser therapy, magnetotherapy, ultrasound), hydrotherapy and massage.

    Other specific results include:

    • Providing medical and social services for 126 people, 70 of whom are disabled.
    • Providing information and professional counselling services for 252 people.

    Key lessons

    This project, financed by three different partners (a LAG, a local administration, and a union), with three funds (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)/RDP (Rural Development Programme) and the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Romanian National Local Development Programme), is an example of how much a community can achieve when it has a good understanding of its needs, uses the available money intelligently and is determined to achieve the set objectives sustainably and with maximum impact.

    Some lessons learned from the implementation of this project and initial recommendations:

    • European and national funds can complement each other and cover the entire range of necessary expenses to carry out a project, but, to ensure sustainability, it is necessary to establish a realistic plan for post-implementation financing.
    • Community awareness and involvement, attracting professionals, and solving medico-social problems - even partially, but sustainably - for people who are vulnerable, at risk of poverty and/or marginalised, increases social cohesion and improves the quality of life in the area.