General information
RDP Priority
- P5. Resource efficiency and climate
RDP Focus Area
- 5D: Greenhouse gas & ammonia emissions
RDP Measure
- M06: Farm & business development
Åsbo Gård is a family dairy farm located in Jämtland, north Sweden. In 2014, the farm constructed a biogas plant to cover part of its heating needs. In 2015, the farm began to work with the biggest cooperative of dairy producers in Sweden - Arla Jämtland. As part of their collaboration, Arla provides the Åsbo Gård farm with whey, which it uses to produce biogas on site.
The abundance of this raw material has enabled the farm to increase its production of biogas. However, in order to take full advantage of the new potential, the farm sought RDP support to construct a biogas powered generator and storage for substrates.
Today 75% of the farm’s electricity needs are met by the generator and only 25% of the electricity used is bought in.
The substrate created from mixing the whey from Arla with manure produced on the farm produces 25% more energy when transformed to biogas, compared to the use of manure only.
The storage facility enables the farm to store whey and use it all year round, as needed, to produce biogas.

Åsbo Gård
Total budget 142 945 (EUR)
EAFRD 25 217 (EUR)
National/Regional 31 071 (EUR)
Private 86 657 (EUR)
(PDF – 263.87 Ko)