Good Practice - Project

Agri-environment-climate Measures - for the protection of the Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus)

Farming in harmony with the natural environment brings benefits for the endangered Lapwing.
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022
    Dubné, Tchéquie
    - Programming period: 2014-2022
    Dubné, Tchéquie

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P4. Ecosystems management
    RDP Focus Area
    • 4A: Biodiversity restoration, preservation & enhancement
    RDP Measure
    • M10: Agri-environment-climate


    The Placand family farm achieves long-term sustainability by balancing crop and livestock production with a sensitive management of the landscape. When in 2015 the Lapwing was noticed residing on its land, the farm entered a CAP funded conservation programme for the preservation and recovery of this endangered bird.

    Since then, numerous activities have been implemented for the protection and recovery of the Lapwing. This includes actions such as planting a specific mix of crops to encourage pollinators; regulating the mechanical cultivation of the relevant land; limiting farming activities; and collaborating in partnership with the Czech Society for Ornithology.


    The main results of the initiative include:

    • Conservation and gradual increase of the population of Lapwing in the area.
    • The use of agri-environment-climate measures with specific conditions that preserve these natural areas for future generations.
    • The fertility and erosion resistance of the soil on the farm is increased by sophisticated sowing practices (e.g. the use of grass clover, the use of mustard as an intercrop, the incorporation of high-quality manure, etc.).
    • The farm won the 2019 Farm of the Year award and a gold medal in the Diverse Landscapes 2020 programme for its thoughtful approach to farm development and interventions aimed at preserving a diverse and rich landscape.
    Rodinná farma Placandů

    Rodinná farma Placandů


    Total budget 71 305.00 (EUR)

    EAFRD 53 479.00 (EUR)

    National/Regional 17 826.00 (EUR)


    English language

    Agri-environment-climate Measures - for the protection of the Lapwing

    (PDF – 627.05 Ko)


    The Placand family farm covers 226 hectares of the South Bohemian countryside near České Budějovice.  Approximately 130 hectares are arable land and 96 hectares are meadows and pastures used to produce roughage for the cattle. In addition to cattle, the farm raises pigs and sheep for meat production. A small on-farm meat butchery allows the farmer to process and sell the meat to customers directly 'from the farm gate'.

    All the meadows and pastures of the farm are covered by agri-environment-climate measures.  To enable this to happen, the owners have successfully implemented numerous EU funded investment projects in support of environmental and climate-conscious conservation actions over the years. Nowadays, the farm utilises landscape-friendly farming practices in all business activities of the farm. Its land hosts biodiversity protected by EU laws including the Lapwing bird species (Vanellus vanellus).


    The main objective of the farm’s CAP funding focuses on providing a protective and appropriate environment for Lapwings to flourish and recover.


    Since 2015, approximately 15 hectares of arable land are included in the programme for the preservation of the Lapwings. The following activities are implemented for the birds’ protection:

    • A specific mixture of crops is planted on the 15 ha (this is used for fodder and to encourage pollinators).
    • In selected locations, where the presence of the birds is demonstrably recorded, farming is limited and the use of mechanical cultivation is substantially regulated.
    • The overall area is monitored by the Czech Society for Ornithology.
    • Each action and development on this area is jointly assessed between the farm and the members of the Czech Society for Ornithology.
    • Additional attention is given to individual parts of the land that require specific approaches and conditions for their treatment. These are, for example, moisture-loving non-fertilised meadows and ponds that are located in a Protected Landscape Area and are part of Natura 2000 sites.

    Main results

    The main results of the initiative include:

    • Conservation and gradual increase of the population of Lapwing in the area.
    • The use of agri-environment-climate measures with specific conditions preserves these natural areas for future generations.
    • The fertility and erosion resistance of the soil on the farm is increased by sophisticated sowing practices (e.g. the use of grass clover, the use of mustard as an intercrop, the incorporation of high-quality manure, etc.).
    • The farm won the 2019 Farm of the Year award and a gold medal in the Diverse Landscapes 2020 programme for its thoughtful approach to farm development and interventions aimed at preserving a diverse and rich landscape.

    Key lessons

    Farmland supports a significant proportion of the EU’s protected species and the CAP is the main EU support mechanism available for safeguarding the quality and quantity of farmland biodiversity.

    Contact Information