General information
RDP Priority
- P6. Social inclusion and local development
RDP Focus Area
- 6A: Diversification & job creation
A young and dynamic team of veterinarians decided to start a private business in the north-eastern part of Romania. Initially set-up in Bacau, the main city of the county, the veterinary laboratory was later moved to a rural area to better address the needs of farmers for quality, rapid services and consultation on farm. It became the first private veterinary laboratory in north-east Romania.
Using EAFRD support, the company purchased the necessary equipment and established the infrastructure for conducting bacteriological and mycological tests and analyses of drinking water; sewage/waste from farms and other tributary; industrial and surface waters; feed and feed materials.
Besides the purchase of new equipment and technology, three new jobs were created.
The investment secured a leading position of the laboratory with regards to animal health: it became a key service provider of tests required from poultry and pigs farms for obtaining subsidies. This led to a significant increase in the laboratory’s revenues.
The project made it possible to offer quality services at affordable prices.

SC Laborvet Serv SRL
Total budget: 84 346 (EUR)
RDP: 59 042 (EUR)
Private: 25 304 (EUR)
(PDF – 518.57 Ko)
Dr. Sonia Caragea