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Animal welfare
Purchase of equipment to ensure biosecurity in a mountainous swine farm
EU food safety improved by CAP funding for young Romanian pig farmer.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC

High Welfare Floor (HWF) – Construction of an innovative barn for dairy cows in Slovenia
Realisation of an innovative farm investment project to improve animal welfare conditions in the barn and secure economic and environmental benefits.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC

Red Cow breed
Genetic resources in animal husbandry: important actions for the local community and the environment to promote traditional, extensive livestock farming and the protection of biodiversity.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC

Implementation of direct deliveries to consumers while maintaining high-quality products through the Folwark Pomorski Operational Group
Direct delivery to consumers implemented while maintaining high-quality products through the Folwark Pomorski Operational Group
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC

Mein Schwein (My Pig)
Engaging customers and farmers in sustainable pig farming.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC

“Lamb lift” Innovation to stimulate lamb production
An EIP-AGRI Operational Group established a new quality standard for Swedish lamb in order to increase the competitiveness of the sector.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC

A higher ground for local livestock
A family farm that breeds the protected Marchigiana cows received Measure 14 - Animal welfare support to improve the way their livestock are maintained.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC

Improving animal welfare on an Italian buffalo farm
Animal welfare support enabled a farmer to improve the living conditions of his buffalo herd and at the same time improve the quality and quantity of milk produced.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC

EIP-AGRI Factsheet Reducing antimicrobial use in poultry farming
All the information from the EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Reducing antimicrobial use in poultry farming at a glance.
- Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI

EIP-AGRI Focus Group Reducing antimicrobial use in poultry farming: Final report
The EIP-AGRI Focus Group ‘Reducing antimicrobial use in poultry farming’ brought together 20 experts from across Europe…
- Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI