Improving Data Management and Information Systems for the Purpose of CAP Evaluation
This report summarises the major outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop, ‘Improving data-management and information…
- 2014-2022

This report summarises the major outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop, ‘Improving data-management and information systems for the purpose of evaluation’, which was hosted by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development.
The 16th Good Practice Workshop of the Evaluation Helpdesk on ‘Improving data-management and information systems for the purpose of evaluation’, took place online on 16-17 March 2021. The overall objective of the workshop was to reflect on innovative experiences in relation to data management and information systems for the purpose of evaluation in the context of the CAP. To this end, the workshop explored EU level projects that deal with data infrastructure, collection and monitoring, seeking to identify their relevance and usefulness for evaluation.
The European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development
(PDF – 1.4 Mo – 37 pages)