Publication - Event Reports |

How to assess AKIS based on lessons learned from 2014-2020

This report summarises the main outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop, ‘How to assess AKIS based on lessons learned…

  • 2014-2022

This report summarises the main outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop, ‘How to assess AKIS based on lessons learned from 2014-2022’, which was hosted by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP. 

Both for ex post evaluation of AKIS in the 2014-2022 period and the CAP 2023-2027 evaluations the objectives of this Good Practice Workshop were threefold: To draw lessons from existing AKIS evaluations at EU and Member State level. The workshop shared lessons from these evaluations and highlighted past experiences in terms of scope, methods and results that can be relevant for the future; To draw lessons from AKIS evaluations from outside the EU. The workshop explored lessons relevant for the evaluation of AKIS from assessing agricultural innovation systems by international organisations like the World Bank, FAO and OECD; Bridging the gap between current state of play and future needs on evaluating AKIS. The workshop aimed to identify Managing Authorities and evaluators’ needs in relation to methods and data collection approaches for evaluating AKIS in the future and building knowledge to overcome challenges in evaluating AKIS (innovation, knowledge transfer, advisory services, cooperation as well as the organisational set-up of AKIS).

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The European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP



English language


(PDF – 1.44 Mo – 25 pages)