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EIP-AGRI Focus Group on HNV Farming Profitablility: Starting Paper

This is the starting paper supporting the first meeting of the EIP-AGRI Focus Group on “High Nature Value (HNV) farming…


This is the starting paper supporting the first meeting of the EIP-AGRI Focus Group on “High Nature Value (HNV) farming profitability"

The purpose of this starting paper is to:
1. Establish a common understanding about the purpose and scope of the Focus Group;
2. Identify some preliminary points of discussion for the first meeting of the Focus Group meeting, including:
- function of HNV farmland within the “farming business”
- the basic concept of profitable HNV farming
- potential pathways / strategies for more profitable HNV farming
- ‘fail factors’ that may limit / constrain more profitable HNV farming
- examples of innovative actions for more profitable HNV farming;
3. Begin drawing together some relevant thoughts / materials as a preliminary basis for the EIP-AGRI Focus Group Final Report.


EIP-AGRI Service Point



English language


(PDF – 816.49 Ko)