Publication - Rapports |

Assessment of the progress in implementing the evaluation plans of RDPs 2014-2022. Chapter 2 of the AIRs Submitted in 2022

The summary report is based on an analysis of the Annual Implementation Reports (AIR) for Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) submitted in 2022.

  • 2014-2022
  • Cross-cutting impacts
Summary Report - Assessment of the progress in implementing the evaluation plans of RDPs 2014-2022
Windmills in a wind farm

As of June 2016, Managing Authorities have submitted an AIR on the implementation of their RDPs to the European Commission in 2022. The summary report examines the AIRs submitted in June 2022, covering the 2021 calendar year, and analyses information from 'Chapter 2', which details the progress of EU Member States' RDP evaluation plans.

Section 2 of the report lays out the information on the progress made by Managing Authorities in implementing the RDPs’ evaluation plans. Section 3 presents a summary assessment as well as recommendations for better reporting. Finally, the annex displays a list of selected evaluations reported in the RDPs, including links where the evaluations have been published online, if available.

The work was carried out by an EU-wide team of 26 geographic experts while the design of the methodology and tools, as well as the overall analysis, were conducted by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP.


European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP



English language

Summary Report - Assessment of the progress in implementing the evaluation plans of RDPs 2014-2022

(PDF – 1.61 Mo)