project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

WINESITY - Automatic sensor to continuosly measure density during the wine fermentation process
WINESITY - Sensor automático para controlar la densidad en continuo en la fermentación del vino Cooperación para la innovación: Grupos Operativos

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Completed | 2018 - 2020 Spain
Completed | 2018 - 2020 Spain
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The general objective is to design and produce a prototype automatic density meter to continuously control the evolution of fermentation during winemaking. The project will build prototypes of the device, which will be installed in several of the cooperative’s tanks to verify their operation.
Secondary objectives:
- Reduce the time technical experts spend measuring density during fermentation.
- Detect fermentation delays or stoppages in the winemaking process more quickly.
- Detect the point at which fermentation ends more quickly and accurately in order to optimise the use of the tanks and the reception of grapes at the winery during the harvest.


El objetivo general es el diseño y producción de un densímetro automático para controlar en continuo la
evolución de la fermentación durante la vinificación. En el proyecto se construirán prototipos del aparato
que se colocarán en varios depósitos de la Cooperativa para comprobar su funcionamiento.
Objetivos secundarios:
- Reducir el tiempo dedicado por los técnicos a la medición de la densidad durante la fermentación
- Detectar más rápidamente problemas de ralentización o detención de la fermentación durante la
- Detectar de forma más rápida y precisa el momento en que la fermentación termina, para optimizar el
empleo de los depósitos y la entrada de uva en bodega durante la vendimia


- Define the specifications and requirements of the WINESITY system for red wine and white wine/cava.
- Define the design for the construction of the first prototype.
- Perform laboratory tests on wine samples in order to optimise it.

- Install three prototypes in different tanks during the harvest period.
- Monitor the density measurements and curves and compare them with those of the traditional control system in order to verify correct operation.
- Validate the installation and attachment system in the tank.
- Check that the display screen correctly shows the measurement results and that the radio frequency signal reaches the IT terminal correctly.
Expected results


- Definir las especificaciones y requerimientos del sistema WINESITY para vino tinto y vino blanco/cava
- Diseñar un primer prototipo
- Realizar ensayos en el laboratorio con muestras de vino, para optimizarlo

-Colocar 3 prototipos en diferentes depósitos durante la época de vendimia
-Realizar un seguimiento de las medidas de densidad y las curvas obtenidas, y compararlas con las del
sistema tradicional de control, para comprobar que coinciden de manera suficiente
-Validar el sistema de anclaje e instalación en el tanque
-Validar que la pantalla muestra correctamente los resultados de medición y, que la señal de
radiofrecuencia llega correctamente al terminal informático


The Winesity project will develop a density measuring system to continuously control the fermentation processes during winemaking, given that the density of must decreases throughout its transformation into wine.
In the wine industry, fermentation control is essential to ensure the optimal quality of the product: quick fermentations may adversely affect the quality of the wine, while longer fermentation periods delay subsequent processes and increase the risk of affecting the quality of the end product and incurring higher energy costs.
Moreover, monitoring fermentation curves can help detect potential issues during the winemaking process so they can be quickly redressed, preventing irreversible problems and the loss of hundreds or thousands of litres of product.
As the sensor will be installed inside the fermentation tanks, which cannot be punctured, its attachment presents one of the main challenges of the project. The position and protection of the sensor are also major issues to be tested, given that the work conditions inside the tank will have to be withstood: gas bubbling, grape skin movements, recirculations, tartrate deposits, etc.
The sensor will be wired to a display, where the technician can continuously read the results. The best way to run this wire from the tank must be determined.
On the display there will be the option of sending the signal to a computer via radio frequency communication, centralising all the readings and registering their development.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 200000

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator

  • Agricola Falset Marçà i S.C. Afalma SCCL

    Project coordinator