project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Where have ewe moo-ved to? Trialling the use of tracking technology in extensive grazing systems
Where have ewe moo-ved to? Trialling the use of tracking technology in extensive grazing systems

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With the aim of farming smarter and not harder a group of six farmers across Wales are investigating how using tracking technology can help problems such as difficulties in gathering, grazing management and an increased chance of theft. GPS collar will be placed around a percentage of two cattle herds and four sheep flocks for two grazing seasons.


Gyda’r nod o ffermio yn ddoethach yn hytrach na chaletach mae grŵp o chwe ffermwr o bob rhan o Gymru yn ymchwilio i weld sut y gall defnyddio technoleg olrhain helpu i atal y problemau megis anawsterau wrth gasglu defaid ar dir agored, rheoli’r pori a lleihau’r posibilrwydd o stoc yn cael eu dwyn. Bydd coleri GPS yn cael eu gosod ar ganran o ddwy fuches a phedwar diadell defaid dros gyfnod o ddau dymor pori.


GPS collar will be placed around a percentage of two cattle herds and four sheep flocks for two grazing seasons.
• The project will cover 2 grazing seasons, 2019 and 2020.
• Four sheep flocks and two cattle herds will be included in the project
• The farmers will: Know where their animals are 'real-time,' Know what the animals are doing; Know where their animals graze over a period of time.
• This could potentially reduce gathering time and costs, minimise the risk of theft, help identify ill animals, and gain a better understanding of grazing habits.
• The project will assess what % of a flock is recommended to be ‘collared’, in order to get useful data.



Bydd coleri GPS yn cael eu gosod ar ganran o ddwy fuches a phedwar diadell defaid dros gyfnod o ddau dymor pori.
• Bydd y prosiect yn cael ei gynnal dros 2 dymor pori, 2019 a 2020.
• Bydd pedair diadell o ddefaid a dwy fuches o wartheg yn cael eu cynnwys yn y prosiect
• Bydd y ffermwyr yn: Gwybod ble mae eu hanifeiliaid ac yn gwybod beth mae’r anifeiliaid yn ei wneud; Yn gwybod ble mae eu hanifeiliaid yn pori dros gyfnod o amser.
• Gall hyn o bosibl leihau’r amser wrth gasglu anifeiliaid a’r costau, leihau’r risg y byddant yn cael eu dwyn, helpu i ddynodi anifeiliaid sâl, a chael gwell dealltwriaeth o arferion pori.
• Bydd y prosiect yn asesu pa % o ddiadell ddylai gael coler, er mwyn cael data defnyddiol.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014UK06RDRP004 United Kingdom - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Wales
Main geographical location
South West Wales
Other geographical location
Bridgend and Neath Port Talbot, Gwynedd

€ 46705

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

Grazing livestock on large extensive grasslands can pose many problems such as difficulties in gathering, grazing management and an increased chance of theft. With the aim of farming smarter and not harder a group of six farmers across Wales are investigating how using tracking technology can help prevent these problems. Four of the farmers are sheep producers on the Brecon Beacons, and share common summer grazing up on the mountain. One farmer grazes the Kenfig coastal reserve near Margam, Port Talbot with cattle. The final farmer undertakes conservation grazing on land in North Wales. Livestock tracking technology is a new concept to extensive grazing animal systems in the UK and this project is the first of its kind here in Wales.

Gall pori da byw ar laswelltir eang godi nifer o broblemau fel anawsterau wrth eu casglu, rheoli’r pori a mwy o bosibilrwydd y byddant yn cael eu dwyn. Gyda’r nod o ffermio yn ddoethach yn hytrach na chaletach mae grŵp o chwe ffermwr o bob rhan o Gymru yn ymchwilio i weld sut y gall defnyddio technoleg olrhain helpu i atal y problemau hyn. Mae pedwar o’r ffermwyr yn gynhyrchwyr defaid ar Fannau Brycheiniog, ac yn cyd-bori ar y mynydd yn ystod yr haf. Mae un ffermwyr yn pori gwarchodfa arfordirol Cynffig ger Margam, Port Talbot gyda gwartheg. Mae’r ffermwr arall yn gyfrifol am bori cadwraethol ar dir yng Ngogledd Cymru. Cysyniad newydd yw technoleg olrhain da byw i systemau pori anifeiliaid eang yn y Deyrnas Unedig a’r prosiect hwn yw’r cyntaf o’i fath yma yng Nghymru.

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Project coordinator

  • Helen Ovens

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Gary Williams

    Project partner

  • Hilary Kehoe

    Project partner

  • Hugh Davies

    Project partner

  • Ian Rickman

    Project partner

  • Rob Williams

    Project partner

  • Sarah Woodcock

    Project partner

  • Trevor Jones

    Project partner