project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Toolbox for the strengthening of Sustainable Food Hubs in Spain: developing multi-action innovations for the short marketing channel
Ecosistema de herramientas para el fortalecimiento y consolidación de Food Hubs Sostenibles mediante innovaciones multiacción para el canal corto y la venta directa en 7 CCAA.

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Improve the economic and social conditions of small and medium-sized productions in rural areas through innovation in short distribution chains through Sustainable Food Hubs (FHS)


Mejorar las condiciones económicas y sociales de pequeñas y medianas producciones de zonas rurales mediante la innovación en las cadenas cortas de distribución a través de los Food Hubs Sostenibles (FHS)


One of the aims of the project is to consolidate 9 pioneer FHS and 308 small-family companies in the primary sector through the implementation of innovative formulas for short-channel marketing and networking. All the knowledge will be sistamtizated and spread along te small-family farming sector. 


Fortalecer 9 FHS y 308 empresas del sector primario a través de la implementación de fórmulas innovadoras para la comercialización en canal corto y la venta directa y el trabajo en red. Sistematizar, compilar, divulgar y transferir innovaciones en FHS a otras explotaciones familiares susceptibles de mejorar sus condiciones a través de los canales cortos de comercialización


The ammount of small-familiy farmers that see in short marketing channels an oportunitie to improve their profitability are inreasing. Even EU and Spain Goverment recongice the benefits of these kind of channels for the small farmers. But make that change is not an easy task for farmers. These project pretend to collects the innovations devoleped by pioneers Sustainable Food Hubs and spread it for make the transitione easier. 

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDNP001 España - Programa Nacional de Desarrollo Rural
Main geographical location
Valencia / València
Other geographical location
Huesca, Valladolid

€ 599754

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator


    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Asociación productores, elaboradores y tiendas ecológicas Valladolid

    Project partner

  • Fundación Entretantos

    Project partner

  • Iniciativas Sociambientales G.S.Coop Mad

    Project partner

  • Madrid Km0 Centro Logístico Sociedad Cooperativa

    Project partner

  • Plant on Demand

    Project partner