project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

TiO de Camp - Oilseed meal and cold pressed camelina oil
TiO de Camp: Torta y Aceite de Camelina prensado en frío

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The project aims to classify 10 different varieties of camelina produced in two areas with different climates: one with a semi-arid Mediterranean climate, (<400 mm) and the other with a sub-humid Mediterranean climate (400-600 mm), with two seeding dates in the field located in the wetter area. The varieties will be classified based on 3 aspects:
1. The adaptation and yield of each variety of camelina from an agricultural point of view.
2. An exhaustive analysis of their nutritional characteristics  in the oil and oilseed meal obtained from the first cold pressing.
3. Assessment of the potential for including the meal produced in animal feed.


El proyecto pretende caracterizar 10 variedades diferentes de camelina producidas en dos climatologías distintas, una Mediterránea semiárida (<400 mm) y otra Mediterránea subhúmeda (400-600 mm), con dos fechas de siembra en el campo ubicado en la zona más húmeda. La caracterización de las variedades se basará en 3 aspectos:
1. La adaptación y rendimiento de cada una de estas variedades de camelina desde un punto de vista agrícola.
2. Análisis exhaustivo de las características nutricionales  del aceite y la torta, obtenidos en primera prensada en frío.
3. Valorar la posibilidad de incluir la torta producida en piensos para animales.


August-October 2020: Selection and preparation of the fields
November 2020: Marking of and seeding of the ten varieties. Analysis of soil samples from the selected fields.
January 2021: Marking and seeding of the ten varieties on the second date (sub-humid area).
December 2020-March 2021: Management and maintenance of field experiments
May 2021: Harvest and estimation of production. Processing and obtaining the end products by cold pressing.

June-October 2021: Laboratory analysis
October 2021: Provisional assessment and selection of the 3 most adaptable and highest quality varieties 
December 2021-March 2022: Field experiments. Data analysis 
May 2022-July 2022: Dissemination of the results.


Agosto-Octubre 2020: Seleccionar y preparar los campos

Noviembre 2020: Marcaje  y siembra de las 10 variedades en los dos campos elegidos. Análisis de muestras de suelo.
Enero de 2021: Marcaje y siembra de las 10 variedades en la 2a fecha de siembra (zona subhúmeda).
Diciembre 2020-Marzo 2021: Manejo y ensayos.
Mayo 2021: Cosecha y estimación de producciones. Fin de los ensayos.. Envío de las muestras para su prensado en frío y obtención de los productos finales.

Junio-Octubre 2021: Analíticas en laboratorio.
Octubre de 2021: Valoración y selección de las 3 variedades de mayor calidad
Diciembre 2021-Marzo 2022: Ensayos de campo y análisis de los datos
Mayo 2022-Julio 2022: Difusión de los resultados


Camelina (Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz) is an oilseed crop in the cruciferous family. The species has a short growth cycle, and tolerates droughts and cold well. These characteristics mean that its management can be more flexible than winter cereals especially in terms of seeding dates, and make it an interesting alternative from a technical point of view for implementation in rotation in dry farming cereal fields, and one which contributes to sustainable crop production. However, it is not widespread, partly because it is a less productive crop than cereals. Oil and oilseed meal rich in healthy fatty acids (omega-3), antioxidants and vegetable protein, among other products, are also obtained from pressing camelina seeds. These compounds can enhance the value of the crop, making it attractive to farmers. Although oil from the first pressing, without any prior refinement, may not be used for human consumption in Spain (Royal Decree 308/1983 of 25 January), its use in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, industry and in animal feed is permitted. Oilseed meal is also used on fish farms to feed salmon, and can also be used as an ingredient in feed for other domestic animals, and is included as such in Regulation (EU) 2017/1017 of the European Commission.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 193369.5

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator