project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Testing, monitoring and scalability of a mobile sheep and goat slaughterhouse to support small-scale farming and generational renewal in rural areas
Ensayo, monitorización y escalabilidad de un matadero móvil de ovino y caprino como apoyo al pequeño ganadero y al relieve generacional en el mundo rural

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Trial: Ensuring the correct functioning of the mobile slaughterhouse, in terms of end product quality, compared to the current model.
Monitoring: Observing, analysing and attempting to resolve the changes (organisational, regulatory, etc.) that implementing mobile slaughterhouses may cause, both on farms and at a common point.
Scalability: Proposal for a scalable model in other rural areas of Catalonia and/or Europe and its management.


Ensayo: Asegurar el correcto funcionamiento del matadero móvil, desde un punto de vista de la calidad del producto final, comparado con el modelo actual.
Monitorización: Observar, analizar e intentar solucionar los cambios (organizativos, normativos, …) que puede provocar la implantación de los mataderos móviles, tanto en la modalidad “a explotación”, como “a punto común”.
Escalabilidad: Propuesta de un modelo escalable en otras zonas rurales de Cataluña y/o Europa y de su modelo de gestión.


1. Planning and adapting the farms taking part in the project.

2. Starting the slaughter and creating routes; associated documentation.

3. Analysis of slaughterhouse quality data.

4. Calculating the carbon footprint.

5. Traceability of the product from farm to consumer.

6. Study of a prototype cold room and quartering room.

7. Dissemination of the project, necessary training and knowledge of the project its results.


1. Planificación y adecuación de las explotaciones que deben formar parte del proyecto.

2. Inicio de los sacrificios y creación de rutas, documentación asociada.

3. Análisis de datos de calidad del matadero.

4. Cálculo de la huella de carbono.

5. Trazabilidad del producto desde la granja al consumidor.

6. Estudio para modelo de cámara de frío y sala de despiece tipo.

7. Divulgación del proyecto, formación necesaria y conocimiento del proyecto y de los resultados obtenidos.


The project will start up the mobile slaughterhouse as a pilot test, providing a service for central Catalonia to meet the needs of livestock farmers who have seen the closure of low-capacity slaughterhouses and sheep and goat lines in larger slaughterhouses that mainly slaughter pigs. This new mobile facility should improve meat quality and animal welfare by eliminating vehicle transport and improve farm workers’ quality of life by optimising the service and eliminating hours spent travelling to the slaughterhouse. Finally, it promotes a shorter circuit and the direct sale of local meat and improves sustainability and economy in the sector, thus maintaining the essence of rural landscapes and territories.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 207945.6

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator

  • Anna Mª Garrós

    Project coordinator