project - Research and innovation

TechCare: Integrating innovative TECHnologies along the value Chain to improve small ruminant welfARE management
Integrating innovative TECHnologies along the value Chain to improve small ruminant welfARE management

Ongoing | 2020 - 2024 Other, United Kingdom
Ongoing | 2020 - 2024 Other, United Kingdom
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Small ruminants play a key socio-economic role in Europe, especially in harsh environments where innovative technology is not much implanted. Small Ruminants are often managed as a flock/herd, allowing only average welfare states to be considered. Innovative technologies are a unique opportunity to monitor and improve small ruminant welfare management at the individual or flock/herd level, along the value chain. TechCare' main objective is to develop appropriate business models using innovative technologies to improve welfare management for all EU small ruminant systems, to enable stakeholders to choose animal welfare-friendly products.


see objectives in English


Based on small ruminant welfare state-of-the-art, TechCare will undertake a multi-actor approach to encapsulate stakeholders’ expectations in terms of welfare and innovative technologies, and provide them with adapted solutions. The innovative technologies identified in TechCare will pass different stages of validation, from prototyping to pilots and large scale studies in the partners' countries. Innovative tools, early warning systems, algorithms and indicators for efficient identification of welfare issues will be developed, and business models will be constructed and validated with stakeholders.


Based on small ruminant welfare state-of-the-art, TechCare will undertake a multi-actor approach to encapsulate stakeholders’ expectations in terms of welfare and innovative technologies, and provide them with adapted solutions. The innovative technologies identified in TechCare will pass different stages of validation, from prototyping to pilots and large scale studies in the partners' countries. Innovative tools, early warning systems, algorithms and indicators for efficient identification of welfare issues will be developed, and business models will be constructed and validated with stakeholders.

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project
Main geographical location
East Lothian and Midlothian

€ 5999895

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

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14 Practice Abstracts

Welfare priorities for dairy goat production and the potential innovative tools that could help monitor them, have been identified in the TechCare project. Next, those tools have been deployed on a research farm, where their capacity to help manage welfare is being tested. In Norway, one pilot dairy goat farm has been established at the Storsteigen College School in Alvdal to represent a summer-farm dairy goat system and also an indoor winter-farm system. Welfare priorities being tackled are: mastitis, lameness and ranking order (behavior). The innovative tools tested are: GPS collars, proximity sensors and accelerometer information for behavior observations, ultra-high frequency readers and low frequency readers for behavior, and weather station/sensors. All addressing welfare challenges of mastitis, lameness and behaviour. Regular dairy goat welfare assessments are also being carried out, to match any welfare issue with information gathered or transmitted by the innovative tools being tested. Further, data from the GoatMilkSCC-research project will support the work on mastitis detection. Issues of data collection, transfer and analysis are also being considered, as well as connectivity and infrastructure requirements. Data collected will then be included to those from the other pilot farms in the project, to help in the elaboration of early warning systems. Once testing on pilot farms is completed, the candidate tools will be considered deployed on commercial farms, for real conditions testing.

De viktigste dyrevelferdsutfordringene for melkegeit og aktuelle teknologiske løsninger som kan bidra til å bedre dem, er identifisert i TechCare-prosjektet. Aktuelle teknologier blir nå testet på en pilotgård, hvor noen mulige løsninger prøves ut. I Norge er det etablert en pilotgeitegård på Storsteigen Videregående skole i Alvdal. Her har de både seterdrift om sommeren på Meløya i Einunndalen, samt et forholdsvis nytt geitefjøs for inneperioden. Velferdsprioriteringer i fokus er: mastitt, halthet og rangering/rekkefølge (atferd). De aktuelle verktøyene som testes er: GPS-klave, nærhetssensorer og akselerometerinformasjon for atferdsobservasjoner, RFID med ultrahøyfrekvente og vanlig lavfrekvente øremerker og lesere, samt værstasjon/sensorer. Det gjennomføres også jevnlige velferdsregistreringer hos hver enkelt geit. Vi ønsker å se på hvordan velferdsutfordringene kan observeres gjennom informasjon fra teknologien. Videre vil data fra Goat Milk SCC-forskningsprosjektet bidra i arbeidet knyttet til mastitt. Spørsmål om datainnsamling, overføring og analysering vurderes også, samt krav til nett-tilkobling og infrastruktur. Data som samles inn vil bli samlet fra pilotgårder også i andre land i prosjektet, og bidra til utviklingen av systemer for tidlig varsling av avvik. Når testingen på pilotfarmer er fullført, håper vi at noe teknologi vurderes som relevant og at det kan testes på kommersielle gårder.

In the beginning of TechCare project welfare aspects in the production of meat/dairy sheep and dairy goats have been identified, prioritized and potential PLF tools have been identified and matched to specific welfare aspect to which they may contribute.

Following the above the tools have been deployed to research and demo farms where their capacity to help manage welfare is being tested.

In Israel, two pilot farms are being used; one in the ARO research farm - an extensive meat sheep system environment, and one to the east which unlike ARO farm – is also producing dairy (Ivry). Farms are similar in terms of climate and housing conditions. Welfare priorities being in the focus are: parasitism, under-nutrition. The innovative tool tested is: weighing trough with electronic identification, ultra-high frequency readers (for individual data collection), electronic weighing and water consumption meter. Regular sheep welfare assessments are being carried out, to match any welfare issue with information gathered or transmitted by the innovative tools being tested. Issues of data collection, transfer and analysis are also being considered, as well as connectivity and infrastructure requirements. Data collected is sent for further analysis in an automated computer system to be disseminated to farmer via a mobile application of an early warning system. Once testing on pilot farms is completed, the candidate tools will be deployed on commercial farms, for real-conditions testing.

See the summary in English.

TechCare project identified the welfare priorities for meat sheep, dairy sheep and dairy goats productions and the innovative tools that could monitor them. The adequacy of those tools to improve the management of welfare issues has been evaluated on research and demonstration farms. One pilot dairy sheep farm has been used in Italy, located in the North West of Sardinia (Bonassai farm AGRIS), representing the Mediterranean dairy sheep systems. Welfare priorities being addressed are: mastitis, under/malnutrition and gastrointestinal (GI) parasite in adult ewes. The innovative tools tested are: electronic identification weigh crate with autodrafter (for under-nutrition, parasitism), milk tank weighing scale (for under-nutrition, parasitism), milkmeters (for mastitis, under-nutrition, parasitism), and environmental sensors (for under-nutrition, parasitism). Sheep welfare assessments are also being carried out, to test whether information obtained from the innovative tools can predict and anticipate welfare issues. Data collection, transfer and analysis issues are also verified, as well as connectivity and infrastructure requirements. Early warning systems will be developed from the data collected, together with those from the other pilot farms in the project. Once testing on pilot farms is completed, the candidate tools will be deployed on commercial farms, for real-conditions testing.

Il progetto TechCare ha identificato le priorità legate al benessere nelle produzioni di ovini da carne, ovini da latte e caprini da latte e gli strumenti innovativi in grado di monitorarle. L'adeguatezza di questi strumenti per migliorare la gestione di questi problemi è stata valutata in aziende di ricerca e dimostrative. In Italia è stato utilizzato un allevamento pilota di pecore da latte, situato nel nord-ovest della Sardegna (azienda AGRIS di Bonassai), che rappresenta i sistemi ovini da latte del Mediterraneo. Le priorità di benessere affrontate sono: mastiti, malnutrizione e parassitosi gastrointestinale (GI) in pecore adulte. Gli strumenti innovativi testati sono: pesa con identificazione elettronica e auto drafter (per la malnutrizione e le parassitosi), bilancia per il rilievo del peso della cisterna del latte (per la malnutrizione, il parassitismo), mungitrice con misuratori di flusso per la misurazione individuale della produzione di latte (per la mastite, la sotto-nutrizione, il parassitismo) e sensori ambientali (per la sotto-nutrizione, il parassitismo). Sono in corso anche valutazioni del benessere degli ovini, per verificare se le informazioni ottenute dagli strumenti innovativi possono prevedere e anticipare i problemi di benessere. Vengono inoltre verificati i problemi di raccolta, trasferimento e analisi dei dati, nonché i requisiti di connettività e legati all'infrastruttura. Sistemi di allerta precoce saranno sviluppati a partire dai dati raccolti, insieme a quelli delle altre aziende pilota del progetto. Una volta completati i test negli allevamenti pilota, gli strumenti candidati saranno distribuiti negli allevamenti commerciali, per essere testati in condizioni reali.

Welfare priorities for each type of production (meat sheep, dairy sheep and dairy goats) and the potential innovative tools that could help monitor them, have been identified in the TechCare project. Next, those tools have been deployed on research and demonstration farms, where their capacity to help manage welfare is being tested. In the UK, two constrasting pilot meat sheep farms have been used; one in the North West of Scotland to represent the extensive sheep systems environment (SRUC farm), and one in the East of Scotland, to represent a semi-extensive sheep environment (MRI farm). Both farms are also opposite in terms of climate and rainfall. Welfare priorities being tackled are: lameness, parasitism, under-nutrition and ewe-lamb relationship (mismothering). The innovative tools tested are: proximity sensors (for under-nutrition, mismothering), accelerometers (for lameness, parasitism), ultra-high frequency readers (for lameness, mismothering), electronic identification weigh crate (for under-nutrition, parasitism) and environmental sensors (for under-nutrition, parasitism and mismothering). Regular sheep welfare assessments are also being carried out, to match any welfare issue with information gathered or transmitted by the innovative tools being tested. Issues of data collection, transfer and analysis are also being considered, as well as connectivity and infrastructure requirements. Data collected will then be included to those from the other pilot farms in the project, to help in the elaboration of early warning systems. Once testing on pilot farms is completed, the candidate tools will be deployed on commercial farms, for real-conditions testing.

See the summary in English.

In the TechCare project, IDELE is conducting trials in 2022-2023 in two pilot farms: meat sheep “Le Mourier” and dairy sheep “La Cazotte”. Technologies have been installed in these farms to monitor the animal welfare (AW) of adult or young sheep, mainly in sheepfolds: hydration, heat stress, housing conditions, lameness, gastrointestinal parasites and mastitis.

To monitor these AW challenges, the technologies being tested in France are: connected water meters, UHF identification tags, temperature, humidity and CO2 sensors in the sheepfold, weather station, self-weighing system for sheep, and milk tank scales.

The collection of data from this equipment is supplemented by a series of measurements and observations made directly on the animals: weighing of individuals, observation of lameness, respiratory problems, analysis of individual milk, observation of behavior, etc.

In the end, the objective is to know whether, thanks to the data collected by the equipment and sensors, it would be possible to detect an AW problem early. The hypotheses are, for example, an ewe that comes to drink less often than usual, could be a behavior potentially indicative of a current or future AW/health problem, as well as the strong demotion of a sheep in its milking order. Depending on the results of these pilots, the technologies to be deployed in farms for the large-scale study will be identified.

Dans le projet TechCare, IDELE conduit des essais en 2022-2023 dans deux fermes pilotes : ovine allaitante « Le Mourier » et ovine laitière « La Cazotte ». Des technologies ont été installées dans ces fermes pour suivre le bien-être animal (BEA) des ovins adultes ou jeunes, principalement en bergerie : l’hydratation, le stress thermique, les conditions de logement, les boiteries, les parasites gastro-intestinaux et les mammites.

Pour suivre ces enjeux de BEA, les technologies en cours de test en France sont : compteurs d’eau connectés, boucles d’identification UHF, capteurs de température, d’humidité et de CO2 en bergerie, station météo, dispositif d’auto pesée des animaux et dispositif de pesée du poids du tank à lait.

La collecte de données issues de ces équipements est complétée par une série de mesures et d’observations faites directement sur les animaux : pesées des individus, observation des boiteries, des problèmes respiratoires, analyses du lait individuel, observation du comportement etc.

A terme, l’objectif est de savoir si, grâce aux données collectées par les équipements et capteurs, il serait possible de détecter précocement un problème de BEA. Les hypothèses sont par exemple, une brebis qui vient moins souvent boire à l’abreuvoir qu’à son habitude, pourrait être un comportement potentiellement indicateur d’un problème de BEA/santé en cours ou à venir, de même que la rétrogradation forte d’une brebis dans son ordre de passage à la traite.

Suivant les résultats de ces pilotes, les technologies à déployer dans les élevages pour l’étude à grande échelle seront identifiées.

In Israel, two series of national workshops have been carried out to date. Workshop #1 (17 participants) was held online in May 2021 and focused on welfare issues and priorities affecting the Israeli sheep farming industry. Participants were highly experienced professionals and brought to the discussion technical and professional knowledge. Having representatives from the farming, research, veterinary, advisory, value chain and academic sectors. The consensus regarding the prioritisation of sheep welfare issues (meat and dairy respectively) in Israel was: 1. Undernutrition (insufficient feed to meet metabolic demand), 2. Mastitis, 3. Abortion, 1. Stocking density, 2. respiratory disease, 3. Feed competition (stocking density and feeder space). After discussion within the whole project consortium, precision farming tools that could potentially help manage some of these welfare concerns were identified and presented back to stakeholders for their feedback, during a second workshop held in September 2021. Attendees of workshop #2 were asked to give their opinion on each tool’s potential to tackle welfare issues and its cost-effectiveness. Tools discussed included ultra-high frequency and low frequency readers and ear-tags, accelerometer and GIS wearables, proximity sensors, electronic identification enabled weigh-crate and, water consumption sensors. Durability of the tools were mentioned as concerns regarding ongoing running and maintenance costs. The need for long term support services and dependencies was also mentioned.

See the summary in English.

TechCare's central approach is to engage stakeholders with the project's development. In the UK, two series of national workshops have been carried out to date. The first workshop (12 participants), was held online in May 2021, and focused on welfare issues and priorities affecting the UK sheep farming industry. Between them, participants brought a breadth and depth of experience to the discussion with representatives from the farming, research, veterinary, advisory, value chain and academic sectors. The consensus regarding the prioritization of sheep welfare issues in the UK was: 1) lameness, 2) ectoparasites, 3) nutrition (under- or over-), 4) gastrointestinal parasites, 5) liver fluke, 6) dystocia and 7) tail docking. After discussion within the whole project consortium, precision farming tools that could potentially help manage some of these welfare concerns were identified and presented back to stakeholders for their feedback, during a second workshop held in September 2021. The eight stakeholders who took part were asked to gauge each tool’s perceived potential to tackle welfare issues and cost-effectiveness. Tools discussed included ultra-high frequency and low frequency readers and ear-tags, accelerometer and geo-localization wearables, GPS and proximity sensors, electronic identification enabled weigh-crate and, environmental sensors. Practicalities (e.g. common grazing, dispersed flocks), longevity and durability of the tools were mentioned as concerns as were upfront costs and ongoing running and maintenance costs. The need for support services to assist with data processing, analysis and interpretation was also mentioned.

See the summary in English.

There have been two national workshops held in Ireland, to date, for the TechCare project. The first workshop had 19 participants and was held online on 14th May 2021. The workshop focused on welfare issues and priorities affecting the Irish sheep farming industry. Participants brought a lot of experience to the discussion with representatives from the farming, advisory, research, veterinary, press and industry sectors. The prioritization of sheep welfare issues by the stakeholders for a semi-extensive system was as follows, in order of prioritization: 1) mortality rate, 2) lameness and 3) nutrition (under- or over-); for an extensive system: 1) nutrition (under- or over-), 2) poor maternal relationship and 3) mortality rate. For the second national workshop held online on 1st October 2021, precision farming tools that could potentially help manage some of the previously identified welfare concerns were identified and presented to the stakeholders for their feedback. Ten stakeholders took part in the second national workshop. The potential PLF tools presented were: EID reader (low frequency), EID reader (UHF), accelerometer and geo-localization, GPS and proximity sensor, weigh crate, weighing and auto-sorting system, environmental sensors (temperature, humidity) and weather station. Following the discussion of each tool, each delegate completed a poll consisting of 7 questions. The delegates identified EID readers (handheld), weigh crates and environment sensors as the 3 PLF tools that may have potential for improving animal welfare. Some also thought that the weather station has potential in some cases e.g. in an extensive system where the flock owner lives a distance from their flock.

See the summary in English.

Within the TechCare project, all national workshop (NWS), in France focusing on dairy and meat sheep, have been organized twice in order to be as close as possible to relevant stakeholders for each production type. The methodology used for each NWS was defined jointly within TechCare project. Stakeholders invited to participate to each NWS were farmers, advisors, teachers, and decision makers.

The first NWS aimed to determine key welfare issues. Globally same welfare issues for the two-production type were rank in the top 10 most important one: health issues (gastrointestinal parasites, lameness), inappropriate housing, undernutrition, water availability and inappropriate bedding. Mastitis (for dairy ewe) and respiratory disease (for meat sheep) differed between the two-production type.

The second NWS aimed to identified appropriate technologies to assess the most important welfare issues raised during the first NWS. Indoor and outdoor weather station, water meter, water trough frequentation (thanks to UHF RFID), milk tank weight was considered by stakeholders as interesting to test and promising for an animal welfare early warning system.

Those NWS are key element in TechCare project to engage stakeholders and tailor solutions adapted to their needs and situation.

Comme la France a dans le projet TechCare, des ovins laitiers et ovins à viande, tous les ateliers nationaux (NWS) ont été réalisés deux fois afin d'être au plus près des acteurs concernés pour chaque type de production. La méthodologie utilisée pour chaque NWS a été définie conjointement au sein du projet TechCare. Les parties prenantes invitées à participer à chaque NWS étaient des agriculteurs, des conseillers, des enseignants et des décideurs.

Le premier NWS visait à déterminer les principaux problèmes de bien-être. Globalement, les mêmes problèmes de bien-être pour les deux types de production ont été classés dans le top 10 des plus importants : problèmes de santé (parasites gastro-intestinaux, boiterie), logement inapproprié, malnutrition, disponibilité d'eau et couchage inappropriée. Les mammites (pour les brebis laitières) et les maladies respiratoires (pour les ovins de boucherie) différaient entre les deux types de production.

Le deuxième NWS visait à identifier les technologies appropriées pour évaluer les problèmes de bien-être les plus importants soulevés lors du premier NWS. La station météo intérieure et extérieure, le compteur d'eau, la fréquentation des abreuvoirs (grâce à RFID UHF), le poids du tank à lait ont été considérés par les acteurs comme intéressants à tester et prometteurs pour un système d'alerte précoce pour le bien-être animal.

Ces NWS sont des éléments clés du projet TechCare pour impliquer les parties prenantes et proposer des solutions adaptées à leurs besoins et à leur situation.

TechCare is a multi-actor project that involve stakeholders in every major decision. Therefore, two workshops per year are foreseen in each country, to consult stakeholders. The first Romanian workshop was held online in April 2021 with the aim to prioritize the welfare issues in dairy sheep farms. After sub-groups and all 30 participants discussions the most important welfare issues for dairy sheep farms in semi-extensive rearing system were: 1) gastrointestinal parasites, 2) lameness, and 3) mastitis. Also, inadequate or contaminated water, respiratory infection, malnutrition and ectoparasites were issues that put the sheep health at risk. The second workshop took place online in July 2022, with 16 participants. The aim of this workshop was to prioritize the PLF technologies to be used in large scale study to be organized in Romania, in order to approach the identified welfare issues. Participants were informed about the welfare issues that were considered important by stakeholders from other partner countries. A list of PLF technologies were presented and after discussions, each participant was asked to nominate 4 of them. The most frequent technologies to be used in large scale studies were considered to be the weather station, the automatic weighing platform, and the EID-RFID reader. Also, accelerometer with geo-localization and electronic milk meter were of interest. Criteria to choose the PLF technologies were considered to be price, durability, maintenance costs, ease of reading and interpreting the data.

TechCare este un proiect multi-actor care implică părțile interesate în fiecare decizie majoră. Prin urmare, sunt prevăzute două workshop-uri pe an în fiecare țară, pentru a consulta părțile interesate. Primul workshop românesc a avut loc online în aprilie 2021 cu scopul de a prioritiza problemele de bunăstare în fermele de ovine de lapte. După discuțiile subgrupurilor și celor 30 de participanți, cele mai importante probleme de bunăstare pentru fermele de ovine de lapte în sistemul de creștere semi-extensiv au fost: 1) paraziții gastrointestinali, 2) șchiopăturile și 3) mastita. De asemenea, apa inadecvată sau contaminată, infecțiile respiratorii, malnutriția și ectoparaziții au fost probleme care pun în pericol sănătatea oilor. Al doilea workshop a avut loc online în iulie 2022, cu 16 participanți. Scopul acestui workshop a fost acela de a prioritiza tehnologiile PLF care vor fi utilizate în studiile pe scară largă care urmează să fie organizate în România, pentru a aborda problemele de bunăstare identificate. Participanții au fost informați despre problemele de bunăstare care au fost considerate importante de părțile interesate din alte țări partenere. A fost prezentată o listă de tehnologii PLF și, în urma discuțiilor, fiecărui participant i s-a cerut să nominalizeze 4 dintre ele. Cele mai frecvente tehnologii care se pot utiliza studiile din ferme au fost considerate a fi stația meteo, platforma automată de cântărire și cititorul EID-RFID. De asemenea, au fost de interes accelerometrul cu geolocalizare și contorul electronic de lapte. Criteriile pentru alegerea tehnologiilor PLF au fost considerate a fi prețul, durabilitatea, costurile de întreținere, ușurința de citire și interpretare a datelor.

For a constant feedback and knowledge exchange in the Spanish TechCare project, a multi-actor approach was followed. In this regard, 2 National Workshops (NW) were done online to transfer and validate the project outcomes. The NW1 (June 2021) aimed the prioritization of a list of sheep and goat welfare issues, previously elaborated by the TechCare consortium, by the stakeholders. A total of 47 stakeholders participated in the NW1. The prioritized welfare issues depended on species and systems, and were: meat sheep (1, nutrition; 2, housing and ambient conditions; 3, stocking density), and dairy sheep and goats (1, mastitis and milking; 2, nutrition; 3, housing and ambient conditions). Similarly, in the NW2 (July 2021), after the selection of a list of precision livestock farming (PLF) tools and sensors made by the consortium, the stakeholders prioritized those potentially able to detect the previously identified welfare issues. A total of 46 stakeholders attended NW2. The prioritized PLF tools and sensors for small ruminants in Spain, according to species and production systems, were: meat sheep (1, weather stations for outdoor-indoor; 2, automatic scale and LF transponder’s reader; 3, UHF transponder tags and readers) and dairy sheep and goats (1, weather stations for outdoor-indoor; 2, electronic milk meters and LF transponder’s reader; 3, automatic scale and LF transponder’s reader). Stakeholders expressed their concerns about the costs (acquisition, running and maintenance), technology requirements (electric power, internet or satellite services), easiness of use and lifespan.

Para conseguir un constante intercambio y retorno de conocimientos en el proyecto español de TechCare, se siguió un enfoque multiactores. Así, para transferir y validar los objetivos y resultados del proyecto, se realizaron telemáticamente 2 Grupos de Trabajo Nacionales (GTN) con los actores interesados. El GTN1 (junio 2021), priorizó una lista de problemas de bienestar de ovino y caprino, previamente elaborada por el consorcio de TechCare. Un total de 47 actores participaron en GTN1. Los problemas de bienestar priorizados dependieron de la especie y sistema, y fueron: ovino de carne (1, nutrición; 2, alojamientos y condiciones ambientales; 3, carga ganadera) y en ovino y caprino lechero (1, mastitis y ordeño; 2, nutrición; 3, alojamientos y condiciones ambientales). Igual, en GTN2 (julio 2021), después de la selección de una lista de herramientas y sensores de ganadería de precisión (GP) elaborada por el consorcio, los actores priorizaron aquellas potencialmente capaces de detectar los problemas de bienestar previamente indicados. En GTN2 participaron 46 actores. Las herramientas y sensores de GP priorizados para pequeños rumiantes en España, de acuerdo con la especie y sistema, fueron: ovino de carne (1, estación meteorológica para interior-exterior; 2, báscula automática y lector de transpondedores LF; 3, transpondedores y lectores UHF) y en ovino y caprino lechero (1, estación meteorológica interior-exterior; 2, medidores automáticos de leche y lector de transpondedores LF; 3, báscula automática y lector de transpondedores LF). Los actores expresaron su preocupación sobre costes (adquisición, funcionamiento y mantenimiento), necesidades en tecnología (electricidad, servicios de internet.o satélite), facilidad de uso y vida útil.

The TechCare project engage the small ruminant livestock sector in Norway for input on needs and solutions for technology to enhance animal welfare. Work meetings (digital) with both the sheep and the dairy goat sector were conducted in the spring of 2021 where animal welfare challenges were discussed and ranked. Both farmers, advisers, veterinarians and researchers participated. For dairy goats, mastitis, lamb loss and agonistic behavior/social interactions were identified as the most important challenges. For sheep, lamb mortality, animals lost and disease were prioritized as the most important animal welfare challenges.

In TechCare, technology solutions have been identified and described by the project group. Suggested solutions relevant to handling the various animal welfare challenges were presented and discussed in stakeholder meetings in September 2021. Participants were asked to discuss which technological solutions were considered relevant, and further point out the three most important for tackling welfare challenges. The development of RFID readers and ear tags, motion sensors and GPS tracking were considered the most relevant. These technology tools can help understand normal behavior in sheep and goats, and thus uncover deviations. Further, milk meters and detection of mastitis in goats are a main interest. Mobile coverage, battery capacity and costs were pointed out as concerns. Also, available support is important to ensure appropriate implementation.

TechCare-prosjektet skal engasjere småfenæringa slik at innspill til behov og løsninger for teknologi forankres i næringa. I Norge er det blitt gjennomført arbeidsmøter (digitalt) med både sauenæringa og mjølkgeitnæringa (på Teams). I våren 2021 var det to arbeidsmøter hvor dyrevelferdsutfordringer hos hhv sau- og mjølkegeit ble diskutert og rangert. Både gårdbrukere, rådgivere, veterinærer og forskere deltok. Hos melkegeit i Norge ble det pekt på mastitt, lammetap og krangling/sosiale interaksjoner som de tre viktigste dyrevelferdsutfordringene. Hos sau i Norge ble lammedødelighet, tapte dyr på beite og sjukdom generelt prioritert som de tre viktigste dyrevelferdsutfordringene.

I TechCare-prosjektet har ulike teknologi-løsninger blitt identifisert og beskrevet av prosjektgruppen. De ulike aktuelle løsningene som kan bidra til å handtere de ulike dyrevelferdsutfordringene ble presentert og diskutert i nye arbeidsmøter med verdikjeden i september 2021.

Deltakerne på møtene ble bedt om å diskutere hvilke teknologiske løsninger som vurderes som aktuelle, og så rangere de tre viktigste for å takle velferdsutfordringer. Videreutvikling av RFID-lesere og øremerker, bevegelsessensorer og GPS-sporing ble vurdert som aktuelle. Dette kan bidra til å forstå normal adferd hos sau og geit, og dermed avdekke avvik. Videre så er melkemålere og detektering av mastitt hos geit interessant. Mobildekning, batterikapasitet og kostnader til både innkjøp, drift og vedlikehold ble nevnt som bekymringer. Videre så er tilgjengelig støtteapparat viktig for å sikre riktig og god bruk av ny teknologi.

During the first year of the TECHCARE project's activities, two National Workshops were held, in virtual mode, involving all the actors of the sheep and goat value chain, the so-called stakeholders, such as breeders, nutritionists, slaughterers, veterinarians of the national health service and freelancers, representatives of trade associations (e.g. National Confederation of Farmers) as well as researchers.

During the first workshop, the TECHCARE project was presented and the stakeholders' decision-making role during the project activities was explained. Thanks to their help, the main welfare priorities on dairy sheep farms were decided, which in Italy are mainly related to nutritional problems (malnutrition and unbalanced diets) and health issues (parasitosis, mastitis and lameness) as well as adverse weather conditions, inadequate barn conditions or predators.

The second workshop was dedicated to gathering stakeholders' opinions on potential technologies and digital tools that, applied in livestock farming, could be used to produce early warning systems to improve the management of welfare problems identified as priorities.

In this regard, the milking machine with flow meters for individual measurement of milk production was the most popular technology followed by the automatic weighing with auto-drafter, low frequency electronic identification, weather stations and the portable somatic cell counter. All these technologies aroused much interest among stakeholders although their cost is the major limitation for on farm adoption.

Durante il primo anno di attività del progetto TECHCARE, si sono tenuti due workshop nazionali, in modalità virtuale, che hanno coinvolto tutti gli attori delle produzioni ovicaprine, i cosiddetti stakeholder, come allevatori, nutrizionisti, macellatori, veterinari del servizio sanitario nazionale e liberi professionisti, rappresentanti delle associazioni di categoria (ad esempio, la Confederazione Nazionale degli Allevatori) e ricercatori.

Durante il primo workshop è stato presentato il progetto TECHCARE ed è stato spiegato il ruolo decisionale degli stakeholder nelle attività del progetto. Grazie al loro aiuto, sono state decise le principali priorità di benessere negli allevamenti di pecore da latte, in Italia principalmente legate a problemi nutrizionali (malnutrizione e diete squilibrate) e sanitari (parassitosi, mastiti e zoppie), oltre che a condizioni climatiche avverse, condizioni di stalla inadeguate o predatori.

Il secondo workshop ha raccolto le opinioni degli stakeholder su potenziali tecnologie e strumenti digitali che, applicati all'allevamento, potrebbero utilizzarsi per produrre sistemi di allerta precoce per migliorare la gestione dei problemi di benessere identificati come prioritari. A questo proposito, la mungitrice con misuratori di flusso per la misurazione individuale della produzione di latte è stata la tecnologia più apprezzata, seguita dalla pesatura automatica con apertura automatica, dall'identificazione elettronica a bassa frequenza, dalle stazioni meteorologiche e dal contatore portatile di cellule somatiche. Tutte queste tecnologie hanno suscitato grande interesse tra gli stakeholder, sebbene il loro costo rappresenti il limite principale per l'adozione in azienda.

In the context of TechCare project, two National Workshops (NWs) took place in Greece during last year (2021). The main objective for the 1st NW was to prioritize the main welfare issues in the value chain of small ruminants’ farming at national level. The 2nd NW was focused on the evaluation of the Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) tools that can tackle those welfare issues. The main welfare issues that were recognized by the Greek stakeholders during the 1st NW were: housing & environmental conditions, lameness, and malnutrition for dairy sheep farming. For dairy goat farming, the main welfare issues were: food competition, insufficient bedding, and mastitis. During the 2nd NW, the Greek stakeholders regarded weather and air quality sensors, electronic milk meter, and EID reader (UHF) – RFID as favourable PLF tools that can tackle welfare issues in the value chains of both dairy sheep and goats. The opinion of the TechCare stakeholders is considered of high importance in the TechCare project towards the adoption of PLF tools in the small ruminants’ value chain.

Στο πλαίσιο του έργου TechCare, δύο Συναντήσεις Εργασίας (ΣΕ) έλαβαν χώρα στην Ελλάδα κατά το προηγούμενο χρόνο (2021). Ο βασικός στόχος της 1ης ΣΕ ήταν η προτεραιοποίηση των κύριων θεμάτων ευζωίας στην παραγωγική διαδικασία των μικρών μηρυκαστικών σε εθνικό επίπεδο. Η 2η ΣΕ είχε ως κύριο στόχο την αξιολόγηση διαφόρων Εργαλείων Κτηνοτροφίας Ακριβείας που μπορούν να υιοθετήσουν οι Έλληνες κτηνοτρόφοι προκειμένου να προλάβουν και να αντιμετωπίσουν τα ζητήματα ευζωίας των ζώων, όπως αυτά προσδιορίσθηκαν κατά την 1η ΣΕ. Τα βασικά θέματα ευζωίας των μικρών μηρυκαστικών που αναφέρθηκαν από τα ενδιαφερόμενα μέρη στην 1η ΣΕ ήταν: οι καιρικές συνθήκες και οι συνθήκες σταβλισμού, η χωλότητα, και η κακής ποιότητας διατροφή για τα πρόβατα γαλακτοπαραγωγής. Όσον αφορά τις αίγες γαλακτοπαραγωγής, τα θέματα ευζωίας που κυρίως επισημάνθηκαν ήταν: ο ανταγωνισμός για τροφή, η ανεπαρκής ποσότητα στρωμνής και οι μαστίτιδες. Κατά τη 2η ΣΕ, οι Έλληνες εκτροφείς αξιολόγησαν τους αισθητήρες καιρού και ποιότητας αέρα, τον ηλεκτρονικό μετρητή γάλακτος και τα (UHF) – RFID ενώτια ως τα πλέον πιθανά για την αντιμετώπιση των ανωτέρω θεμάτων. Η άποψη των ενδιαφερόμενων μερών θεωρείται πολύ σημαντική από τους εταίρους του έργου TechCare στην προσπάθεια για ενσωμάτωση Εργαλείων Κτηνοτροφίας Ακριβείας στην εκτροφή μικρών μηρυκαστικών με στόχο τη βελτίωση του επιπέδου ευζωίας των ζώων.

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