project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Sustainable tomato, artichoke and peach production. SUSTAINFOOD
Producción sostenible de tomate, alcachofa y melocotón. SUSTAINFOOD

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The main objective of this project is to determine the degree of sustainability of artichoke, tomato and peach farms and establish lines of improvement in cultural practices to reduce environmental impacts.
The specific objectives are to:
1) Find out what data are collected by the farms.
2) Adapt field notebooks to the needs of the PAS.
3) Propose and implement improvements.
4) Assess the improvements


El objetivo principal de este proyecto es determinar el grado de sostenibilidad de explotaciones productoras de alcachofa, tomate y melocotón y establecer líneas de mejora de las prácticas culturales, a fin de reducir los impactos ambientales.
Los objetivos específicos son:
1) Conocer cuáles son los datos recopilados por las explotaciones.
2) Adaptación de los cuadernos de campo a las necesidades del PAS.
3) Proponer e implementar mejoras.
4) Evaluar estas mejoras


ACTIVITY 1. Sharing the software and field notebooks currently used by the farms.
ACTIVITY 2. Updating data collection procedures and adapting them to the future Sustainable Agricultural Production Plan of Catalonia. 
ACTIVITY 3. Collecting available data and performing initial index calculations to provide a baseline for the indicators.
ACTIVITY 4. Proposing and implementing improvements to lower (or raise) the different indicators.
ACTIVITY 5. Assessing the sustainability of agricultural production for the implemented measures. Assessing certification for farms that have implemented the actions in the previous activity.


ACTIVIDAD 1. Puesta en común de los softwares y cuadernos de campo                                                                                                                                                                             ACTIVIDAD 2. Actualizar los procedimientos de toma de datos y adaptarlos al futuro Plan de Producción Agrícola Sostenible de Catalunya.
ACTIVIDAD 3. Recopilar los datos disponibles y realizar los cálculos de los índices iniciales para disponer de una línea de base de los distintos indicadores
ACTIVIDAD 4. Proponer e implementar mejoras para disminuir (o aumentar) los distintos indicadores
ACTIVIDAD 5. Evaluación de la sostenibilidad de la producción agraria de las medidas implementadas.
ACTIVIDAD 6. Transferencia de los resultados.


Most fruit and vegetable production takes place in vulnerable areas where the nitrate content in the water table is very high. Crops are mainly irrigated and, so water and fertiliser requirements are very high. Given a future scenario of water shortages and greater public awareness of the problems arising from excessive use of mineral fertilisers and phytosanitary products, implementing sustainable agricultural production (SAP) is a necessity. In this context, several bodies, such as the Catalan Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda, are working to implement sustainable agricultural production (SAP), a system that promotes the rational use of resources, improves their state and look after people.
Organising this new production system involves assessing various activities with a potential impact on carbon and water footprints, soil conservation and biodiversity. Many aspects will have to be taken into account when assessing each of these impacts on a farm, all of which will be detailed in future legislation.
Currently, sustainability assessments are not widely carried out on farms in Catalonia. This project will serve as a pilot test to fine-tune the certification system set up by the Ministry of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda: sustainable agricultural production (SAP) on fruit and vegetable farms.
Determining farm sustainability and improving it through cultural practices will allow producers to raise the value of their production and provide end consumers with information to help them when choosing what to buy. This improvement in processes and services should partly solve growing demands among a large section of society for knowledge on the sustainability of what they consume.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 195379.2

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator

  • Silvia Fernández

    Project coordinator