project - Research and innovation


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The main goal of SUREFISH is to valorise traditional Mediterranean fish by fostering the supply-chain innovation and consumer confidence on Mediterranean fish products.

SUREFISH will implement and demonstrate a global solution to assure fish authentication and reduce fraud based on RFID, Blockchain, TTI, and tamper-proof technologies as well as harmonize and validate related analytical methods and create a trans-national laboratories network.

SUREFISH relies on a on a global solution, made

up by two technological solutions for safety and traceability and a third solution for authenticity by 12 harmonised analytical protocols, validated through 4 pilot use cases.


see objective in English


SUREFISH activities have been gradually carrid out throughout the entire life project:

- Deploying innovative solutions to achieve traceability of traditional Mediterranean Fish;

- Revision, validation, and harmonisation of protocols to ensure fish authenticity;

- Increasing consumer confidence of Mediterranean fish;

- Validation of the proposed innovative solutions by means of testing them in 4 Pilot cases;

- Sharing data on Mediterranean Fish products.


Fish is one of the most traded food items in the world today: FAO has estimated at a first sale value of $129.2 billion for capture fisheries and $160.2 billion for aquaculture production globally. In 2016, about 35% of global fish production entered international trade in various forms for human consumption or nonedible purposes.

Mediterranean Sea is particularly rich in fish species: it is considered as a marine biodiversity hotspot, exhibiting a unique mixture of endemics, species from the Atlantic, and others of tropical origins.

SUREFISH is created to provide a solution to several issues associated with fish identification and traceability, which often, it is fraudulently sold. Investigations by Consumer Reports and the Boston Globe have reported mislabeling rates in fish as great as 20% and 48%, respectively.

Frauds mainly affect imported/local processed products since they cannot be clearly verified.

SUREFISH relies on both International legislation and EU law. The first one stipulates that fish from wild as well as from farmed origin, must provide consumer information concerning the geographical origin, production method and nutritional labelling. EU regulation 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2017 regulates about the official controls and other official activities performed to ensure the application of food and feed law, rules on animal health and welfare, plant health and plant protection products.

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project
Main geographical location

€ 1597025

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

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2 Practice Abstracts

Three are the basic preventive recommendations for limiting the impact of COVID19 in the fishery industry: consultation with the preventing service; elaboration of procedure; dissemination of the procedures.

In this framework, more detailed information are related to the following activities:

1) Measures at the beginning of the activity: The worker should not go to work if he/she has symptoms or has had close contact with a sick person. In this case he must notify the employer.

2) Organization of work, cleaning and disinfections: use the specific personal protective equipment (PPE) indicated by the prevention service.

3) Personal hygiene: Frequent hand washing with soap and water or hydro alcoholic solution.

4) Protocol of action in case of contagion or suspicion: CASE 1 confirmed of probable, monitoring by Public Health Service; CASE 2 possible, home isolation until 14 days; CASE 3 close contacts of possible, probable or confirmed cases "no symptoms", home 14 days quarantine (symptomatic observation - take the temperature 3 or 4 times a day; CASE 4 Particularly sensitive worker (people with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, including hypertension, chronic lung disease, immunodeficiency, cancer in active treatment, pregnancy and over 60 years of age), it will be evaluated if they can continue in their work place and with their own activities.

If it is not possible, assess whether the workplace can be adapted, otherwise they will move away from the work place in a preventive way.

In all 4 cases it is mandatory to proceed to the disinfection of the workplace.

5) Supplier control: the reception of goods that involves maintaining a safety distance of more than 2 meters in the exchange of goods.

6) Other preventive measures.

Le raccomandazioni principali per limitare l'impatto del COVID19 nel settore della pesca sono le seguenti 3: consultazione con il servizio di prevenzione; elaborazione della procedura; diffusione delle procedure.

Informazioni più dettagliate sono relative alle seguenti attività:

- Misure all'inizio dell'attività: il lavoratore non deve recarsi al lavoro se presenta sintomi o ha avuto stretto contatto con una persona malata. In questo caso è avvisato il datore di lavoro.

- Organizzazione del lavoro, pulizia e sanificazione: utilizzare gli specifici dispositivi di protezione individuale (DPI) indicati dal servizio di prevenzione.

- Igiene personale: lavaggio frequente delle mani con acqua e sapone o soluzione idroalcolica.

- Protocollo di intervento in caso di contagio o sospetto: CASO 1 conferma possibile positivo, monitoraggio da parte del Servizio Sanitario Pubblico; CASO 2 possibile, isolamento domiciliare fino a 14 giorni; CASO 3 stretti contatti di casi possibili, probabili o confermati "nessun sintomo", 14 giorni di quarantena (misurare la temperatura 3 o 4 volte al giorno);CASO 4 Lavoratore particolarmente sensibile (persone con diabete, malattie cardiovascolari, ipertensione, malattia polmonare cronica, immunodeficienza, cancro in trattamento attivo, gravidanza e oltre 60 anni di età), valutare se potranno proseguire le proprie attività sul posto di lavoro. Valutare se il posto di lavoro può essere adattato, altrimenti allontanare preventivamente dal posto di lavoro.

Nei 4 i casi è obbligatoria la sanificazione del luogo di lavoro.

- Controllo dei fornitori: il ricevimento della merce deve assicurare il mantenimento di una distanza superiore a 2 metri durante lo scambio merce.

- Altre misure preventive.

SUREFISH final outcome is an integrated solution to ensure safety, traceability and authenticity all along the Mediterranean fishery supply chain (fishing, on board processing, in land processing, retailers/importer).

The main goal of SUREFISH is to valorise traditional Mediterranean fish by fostering the supply-chain innovation and consumer confidence on Mediterranean fish products. The solution is based on Radio Frequency Identification, Blockchain, Time Temperature Indicator and tamper-proof technologies developed within the supply chain of four fish species: Tunisia, fresh and marinated anchovies; Egypt, farmed fresh tilapia filets; Lebanon, fresh groupers; Spain, Bluefin Tuna.

SUREFISH will harmonize and validate analytical methods to ensure fish authenticity with the aim to increase consumer confidence of Mediterranean fish. Consumers will be able to download a mobile APP to provide information on traceability and authenticity, linked to the Blockchain platform.

The SUREFISH project is expected to achieve the development of knowledge and common innovative solutions in the Mediterranean area. SUREFISH addresses the need for a digital revolution based on cost-effective and affordable technologies and methods in the fishery sector, generating the necessary enabling knowledge and technologies to innovate the fish value chain from fishing to consumers.

SUREFISH pone come risultato finale una soluzione integrata per garantire sicurezza, tracciabilità e autenticità lungo tutta la filiera della pesca nel Mediterraneo (pesca, lavorazione a bordo, lavorazione a terra, dettaglianti / importatori).

L'obiettivo principale di SUREFISH è valorizzare il pesce mediterraneo tradizionale, promuovendo l'innovazione della catena di approvvigionamento e la fiducia dei consumatori sui prodotti ittici del Mediterraneo. La soluzione si basa su un sistema Radio Frequency Identification, Blockchain, Time Temperature Indicator e tecnologie di antimanomissione sviluppate all'interno della filiera di quattro specie ittiche: Tunisia, acciughe fresche e marinate; Egitto, filetti di tilapia freschi d'allevamento; Libano, cernie fresche; Spagna, tonno rosso.

SUREFISH armonizzerà e convaliderà i metodi analitici per garantire l'autenticità del pesce per aumentare la fiducia dei consumatori del pesce mediterraneo. I consumatori potranno scaricare un'APP mobile per fornire informazioni su tracciabilità e autenticità, collegata alla piattaforma Blockchain.

Il progetto SUREFISH mira inoltre al raggiungimento e sviluppo di conoscenze e soluzioni innovative comuni nell'area del Mediterraneo. SUREFISH risponde alla necessità di una rivoluzione digitale basata su tecnologie e metodi economicamente convenienti ed affidabili nel settore della pesca, generando le conoscenze e le tecnologie abilitanti necessarie per innovare la catena del valore del pesce, dalla pesca al suo consumo finale.

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