project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Reducing Salmonella contamination rate in pigs
Reducción de los índices de contaminación por salmonelosis en ganado porcino

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Completed | 2015 - 2017 Spain
Completed | 2015 - 2017 Spain
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The general objective is to establish a control protocol for salmonella in all stages of swine production, using electrolyzed water as a sanitizer, disinfectant and drinking water. Their effect on the reduction of salmonella contamination rates in dam, weaning and feeder farms will be studied and quantified. It is expected that, in the following years, the perpetuation of these bacteria in livestock farms will be an argument limiting the sale of farm animals to slaughterhouses, or even a limitation on the trade with live animals and swine.


El objetivo general es establecer un protocolo de control de la salmonella en todas las fases de la producción porcina, mediante el uso de agua electrolizada como higienizante, desinfectante y agua de bebida. Se estudiará y se cuantificará su efecto en la reducción de los índices de contaminación por salmonella en granjas de madres, transición y engorde, ya que se prevé que, en los próximos años, la prevalencia de estas bacterias en las explotaciones ganaderas, sea un argumento limitante para la venta de animales a los mataderos, o incluso un limitante para el comercio de animales vivos y carne porcina.


Two-phase experimentation: 1st in a dam farm and 2nd in a weaning and feeder farm with piglets coming from the dam farm. First, the state of contamination by salmonella in the farms will be characterized. The first year, electrolyzed water will be applied to the drinking and hygiene of the dam farm (pregnant and nursing). During the second year, the piglets will be monitored while weaning and feeding, where electrolyzed water will also be applied. Finally, the state of contamination by salmonella in the farms will be characterized. The results will be disseminated among the sector, so that they can be applied to other farms.


Experimentación en 2 fases: 1ª en granja de madres y 2ª de transición y engorde, que se llenará con lechones procedentes de la granja de madres. Primero se caracterizará el estado de contaminación por salmonella en las explotaciones. El primer año, se aplicará agua electrolizada en la bebida e higiene de la granja de madres (gestantes y lactantes). Durante el 2º año, se hará el seguimiento de los lechones de transición y engorde, donde también se aplicará agua electrolizada. Por último, se caracterizará el estado de contaminación por salmonella en las granjas. Se divulgarán los resultados al sector, para que se puedan aplicar en otras explotaciones.


Experimentation will be based on the use of electrolyzed water in 3 swine farms (dams, weaning and feeder pigs), as sanitizer, disinfectant and drinking water for the animals. Previously, the state of contamination by salmonella of the farms will be characterized. The effect of this water on the control and reduction of salmonella contamination rates will be studied in all stages of swine production. The state of contamination will be characterized once the period of study of the treatment with electrolyzed water in each farm is finished. If the results are favorable, they will be transferred and disseminated among the sector.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location
Lleida, Girona

€ 167917.78

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Affichage actuel du contenu de la page dans la langue maternelle, si disponible


Project coordinator

  • Arturo Boix Gras

    Project coordinator